November 29, 2006

Countdown - the last month.

In about 1 month from today, most of the employees of this factory would be leaving the company. Last week the retrenchment letters were already circulated. There were about 70 employees were offered contract employment term of various options. And those who were offered the contract would have until the end of this week to decide whether to take up the offer or not. There is still one more group to be offered within the next month. In actual term, this is our last month being the full time employee of this company.
There would be around 40 who would be leaving at the end of the month of December. Amongst them would be PS. I would be staying until 31 March 2007. My name was originally in the group with 31st December 2006, but at the eleventh hour, I was asked whether I could stay on a little longer. Since I have not committed to any employment just yet, I decided to accept the request. Boleh lah dok makan gaji for another 3 months tu kan hehehe.
I have no idea why I was asked to stay but, I presumed that they have received their corporate decision on what to make of this factory. The idea so far is that the factory would be turned into a regional hub for one of the core activities to support the company business. There is one such center in the Klang Valley, but they have space constraint there. Since the factory here offered ample space with no rental cost, the idea of setting up the hub here seemed a very viable one. As of now, they are only committed to plan for 1 year ahead only. They need to review other factors before deciding to continue or close down the entire premise. That was the reason for giving some of the employees a year contract to ensure that the business is continued and that the customer is served as normal as before. Let's hope that they really would be turning this facility as planned and that they would need someone to coordinate the activities in this facilities. I would have a glimpse of hope to be offered the job. Amboi!! Masih dok berharap lagi tu.

From the beginning of the year until March 2007, I would really be missing most of my friends/colleagues. It would really be very quiet here in the office and I foresee that I would be yawning and counting the hours in the office. Wouldn't it be nice if I would bring a sofa bed to the office or a small TV to sleep or amuse myself. Nak start tengok telenovela ni, just to past the time tu, hehehe. Gone would be those who I always would go to lunch with, gone would be my clerk who always be reminding me the time for the zuhur prayer. Gone would be people whom I could "tell" (shout is more appropriate actually) my frustration and let off steam when I need to release my tension. I am already missing them as I type this entry.
What would I do for the next 3 months after this ? I foresee a lot of time would be on the internet surfing away, chatting with friends (so those who do not want me to disturb you, you'd better put yourselves invisible on the YM hehe). I hope they woould not cut-off internet connection or block off blogspot. Mati kutu lah aku tak dapat nak bloghopping nanti tu.
Of course, I need to do a lot of office housekeeping. I had started but, somehow there is no momentum and the motivation to clear up my office. Maybe when there're not many people around, I would be in better "mood" to do housekeeping. Dah terpaksa buat masa tu kann.. hehe. What else could I do? Read/finish up a book. Do some research on where to find capital to start a small business maybe. Research on what type of business maybe. Well the list is endless. But.......... would I be up to it? Rasa macam malas je ni hehe. Dok fikir nak duduk rumah, tak payah sibuk2 rush to work. One more thing, I need to polish up on the resume, so that if there is an opportunity somewhere, I would be ready for it.
Anyway, whatever I would do to fill up the time, would defend also on other factors. I think the 3 months would end very fast. But until then, I woud have to concentrate on spending some quality time with those who would be leaving. Need to make sure, we are all in good spirit (not depressed over the predicament), we have good memories together and keep in touch with them.

November 24, 2006


Minggu ni kalut sikit aku dibuatnya.

Kat ofis kalut dok handle pemberian surat-surat retrenchment, nak explain segala-gala kat diorang tu. Lepas tu nak jugak coordinate pasal diorang yang nak dioffer contract baru. Memang adat lah kan pasti ada yang tak senang dengan apa yang dioffer tu. You just can't please everyone. Tak pulak diorang ni consider, ada yang tak dapat offer terus, terus je tak ada kerja lepas ni. Nak kena pergi cari sendiri. Macam aku ni lah, huhuhu. Jadinya, aku pun dah tahu dah bila aku akan jadi bibik sepenuh masa tu, hehehe.

Kat rumah tu, si Syia 1 hari selepas saja result tu keluar, diorang dah pergi school trip. Penang-KL-Melaka-Genting. Ayin pun sama, ada trip jugak cuma Ayin's school trip pergi KL saja. Biasalah kan duduk kampung, bila cuti sekolah je berbondong-bondong lah orang kampung buat rombongan cik Kiah ke bandar-bandar. Trip tu dari awal dah diplan tu. Aku kena siap duit tambang dengan duit poket untuk diorang nak pergi jenjalan tu. Biarlah. Bila balik, Syia ada cerita 3 orang kawan2 dia kena rasuk masa bermalam kat Wisma B*lia. Alhamdulillah dia tak kena apa-apa. Nasib baik Cikgu yang ikut tu boleh jadi bomoh terjun, jadi semuanya selamat akhirnya.

Sebelum pergi tu Syia dah suruh ambikkan borang MRSM tu. Bila dah ambik tu, hubby suruh aku isikan borang tu. Tak confident betul yang anak manja dia tu boleh buat sendiri. Borang yang nak kena isi tu pulak macam kertas jawapan periksa UPSR, kena hitamkan kat huruf dan angka yang berkenaan. Dah tu kecik pulak tu, aku ni dah lah rabun, mata pun dah tua dah, silap memanjanglah jadinya. Kadang2 ada baris yang aku hitamkan 2 ,3 huruf, dah hilang huruf pada line yang seterusnya. In the end aku suruh je si Syia tu isikan sendiri.
Semalam aku suruh Syia bangun awal, aku bawak dia pergi jumpa Guru Besar sekolah dia untuk mengesahkan borang dan dokumen lain yang perlukan pengesahan tu. Dah lah tu, budak ni dia tak pun photosta sijil-sijil dia. Kena cari kedai photostat pulak. Pagi-pagi gitu, tak nampak kedai yang bukak lagi. Dah kalut sikit aku masa tu, kang kena pergi jauh pulak nak photostat. Nasib baik, Allah permudahkan urusan. Sementara dok fikir kat mana nak pergi tu, aku singgah beli nasi lemak dulu untuk diorang tu. Tak sempat aku nak masak pagi tu, jadinya diornag terpaksa survive dengan nasi lemak tu ajelah sampai hubby balik petang nanti. Aku pesan suruh hubby beli makanan bila dia balik nanti. Tapinya, masa aku balik semalam, aku ingat aku tak lah nak kalut nak kena masak, rupanya kena jugak. Sebab hubby tak beli, dia kata badan tak sedap, rasa macam nak demam, lemah saja rasanya. Dah pulak!!
Siap aje beli nasi lemak, aku nampak kedai photostat dah buka, tak payah nak pergi jauh dah. Lepas siap, aku pun pergi ke sekolah nak cari Guru Besar. Dah pulak kami diberitahu Guru Besar meeting sampai pukul 12.00 tengahari. Tak kan aku nak tunggu, perut pun lapar jugakk dah. Dah pukul 9.00 pagi apa pun belum makan lagi. Kami terus saja balik, makan dan aku cakap aku nak datang ofis. Aku pun suruh Syia pergi jumpa Cikgu Besar untuk dapatkan pengesahan nanti. Sementara tu Ayin pun siaplah dok pot-pet kat adik dia tu.
"Hang ni, manja sangat lah, buat sendirilah, Aku dulu buat sendiri semua, tau. Tak ajak mama pun. Ajak kawan-kawanlah pi jumpa Guru Besar".
"Eh, banyak ni saja ka sijil-sijil hang, kesiannya, hehehe. Mana lagi sijil-sisjil hang, awat tak bubuh semua. bagi nampak sikit kepimpinan tu".
Hehehe, memang ada tokoh isteri "mithali" tu.
Syia pun dah dengar Ayin mencabar dia tu, walaupun rasa nak marah tapi ada betulnya tu. Dia pun terus saja OK nak buat sendiri tu. Since Angah tak ada paper semalam, Syia ajak Angah bawak dia pergi (naik motor) pergi sekolah. Bila malam, Ayin sekali lagi tolong check samada borang dan lampiran tu complete ke tidak. Hari ni aku baru aku dapat poskan borang tu.
Sambil tu aku pun cakap dengan Syia.
Aku : "Kalau dapat masuk sekolah asrama ni, betui-betui ka nak pi? Satni nangih pulak kena buli ka. Nangih nak balik tak mau duduk asrama pulak. Kena pi kalau dapat tau!".
Syia : "Mana pulak, tak nangih lah".
Aku : " Kalau ada yang nak buli, cakap kat depa Syia reti taekwando tau hehe"
Syia : " Hehehe, apa lah mama ni. Sat ni depa ingat Syia tali-pinggang putih (first phase) saja lah ".
Macamana pun kena jugaklah aku daftarkan dia kat sekolah menengah kat kampung ni. Kalau-kalu dia tak dapat masuk mana-mana sekolah lain, dia masih boleh bersekolah di sekolah Kak Long dan Angah tu.
Esok aku nak ke Perlis pulak, nak ziarah kawan aku yang akan menunaikan fardhu haji musim ni. Dia ni classmate aku kat sekolah asrama penuh dulu tu. Dah sampai seru dia untuk menjadi tetamu Allah di Baitullah, aku nak suruh dia doakan, supaya aku dijemput menjadi tetamuNya pulak tahun depan InsyaAllah. Semoga Allah menganugerahkan Haji Mabrur kepada dia.

November 21, 2006

Syia's Next Step

Kak Long dan Angah tak dapat pun 5a dalam peperiksaan UPSR diorang. Antara 4 beradik tu Ayin yang mula set the standard. Kak Long dan Angah cuma berjaya dapat 3A saja. Tapi kami tak lah rasa disappointed, kami tahu diorang dah try their best. We sent them to tuition classes too and they tried. But since they didn't get 5A in the UPSR, it was not the end of world for them. The A's would be just a ticket for them to get into slightly better position, but does not mean that it would ensure that they become successful or happy in life or a better person.

Masa time Ayin, sekolah dia dapat guru besar yang baru. He was really motivated to improve the school performance. He started the night classes and also raise the target for performance for the school. I was at the time in the PIBG and I liked his management style. He had visions and he had drive and motivation to ensure the school did better than previous years. But, that year was his retirement year. I heard that he shed tears when the UPSR result came out because, that year was the best UPSR result for the school so far. Two years after that, the record was still not broken.

Diantara 4 anak aku ni, Ayin ni yang nampaknya lebih sistematik dan lebih fokus dalam pelajaran. Dari awal tahun darjah 6 tu dia dah tahu dia dah target 5A, dia dah ambik jadual tuisyen, dia sendiri register dan religiously follow the classes. Aku tak payah nak suruh, dia yang cakap kat aku, apa dia mau. Jadinya, dia ke kelas malam dan jugak pergi extra tuisyen. After the hard work, she got the reward.

Jadi masa Syia masuk darjah 6, Ayin yang guide dia sesikit. Tapi Syia ni bila dia masuk kelas tuisyen selama 2 bulan, dia sendiri cakap yang dia nak berenti pergi tuisyen. Dia kata dia confuse sebab kat sekolah belajar cara lain, kat tuisyen belajar cara lain. Aku tak nak mendesak, aku cuma tanya boleh ka dia cope dengan apa yang dia belajar kat sekolah, dia kata InsyaAllah. Jadi dia cuma pergi night class kat sekolah dia saja. Tengok dia study pun kami kadang-kadang risau, boleh kah dia ni :-). Kalau Ayin konsisten tiap penggal top 3 dalam kelas, Syia, kadang-kadang tersasar jugak. Masa exam pun dari mula sehingga trial pun tak pernah dapat 5A, ada sekali dapat C pun ada. Tapinya kami doa, kami tawakal sajalah. Alhamdulllilah dia ada semangat rupanya nak compete dengan Ayin.
Bila aku tanya dia nak lepas UPSR kalau dapat sekolah asrama, nak ke dia pergi? Dia jawab "err, err, err, macam rasa tak nak lah" Jadi bila dia kata lepas result keluar tu, dia nak pergi ambik borang MRSM, aku pun naik heran. Aku tanya lagi sekali, nak ambik ka sebab kalau tak nak pergi tok sah ambik lah. Namun, entah apa dalam fikiran dia tu, dia suruh jugak hubby ambik borang tu. Saja nak try agaknya.
Semalam selepas hubby bawak balik borang hubby kata, ada yang beritahu hubby quota untuk budak perempuan kurang berbanding untuk lelaki, Jadinya senang sikit untuk budak lelaki untuk masuk asrama ni. Agaknya kalau dapat 3A pun diorang boleh lagi apply. Kata hubby, kalau nak jugak kena pakai "cable" lah. Aku ni tak berapa gemar nak pakai "cable" ni, jadi aku cakap ada hubby, kita apply saja, kalau dapat, dapat lah. Alhamdulillah. Kalau tak, biar sajalah.
Aku ni nak ke lepaskan anak manja aku ni pergi duduk asrama kalau dia memang terpilih? Entahlah. Sebabnya Syia ni anak bongsu, manjanya melebihi yang lain-lain. Walaupun manja, seperti yang lain-lain tu dia ditrain jadi independent jugak. Aku yakin dia boleh berdikari dan sesuaikan diri kalau duduk di asrama tu. Macam manapun kena tunggu dan lihatlah. Tentunya bila duduk di asrama dia perlu buat serba serbi sendiri, bangun pagi pun tak boleh nak harapkan orang kejutkan, (masa bersekolah ni, Ayin yang selalu kejutkan Syia setiap pagi). Baju kena basuh sendiri, tak boleh nak masuk mesin, takan suiz saja tu. Aku pun sebenarnya berat jugak nak lepaskan dia ke asrama, sebab kalau dia pergi maknanya akan tinggal Ayin sorang anak kami di rumah. Angah pun lepas SPM InsyaAllah akan keluar dari rumah melanjut pelajaran di IPTA atau IPTS, InsyaAllah.
Tapi kalau Syia terpilih dan mahu ke asrama aku terpaksa relakan dan aku tak akan menolak. Sebabnya itu adalah untuk masa depan dia. Aku pun dulu bersekolah asrama penuh jauh di selatan sana tu.

November 20, 2006

That Old Contraption Again..

It was raining dogs and cats (tak de pulak nampak kucing atau anjing jatuh dari langit hehe) last thursday evening. It has been like that, heavy rain even with thunder and lightning, for the whole week this week and before that. It was already past 6.00 pm and I told my YM mate that I would have to brace the rain to go home. In case it would continue to rain so heavily right into the night. I was still driving my father's car and I did not want to be stranded in the middle of the road at night.
So, I drove the car out in the heavy rain, almost confidently that I would be able to make through the stretch of rain water on the road. The water splashed up, as high as the windsheild when I drove through it and I push my foot down on the pedal trying to make sure that the engine would not stop. I was wrong, apparently. About 1 km from the factory premise, the engine just stopped, Right in the middle of the road and I could not start the car again. Oh my,what now???!!
It was quite some time that I was in the middle of the road, trying to re-start the car without success. Luckily the road was not the main road with heavy traffic, it was a lane connecting the factories within the area. The incident happened when the factory workers had gone home at 5.00 pm shift, and the next shift would proably be at 7.00 pm. Not much traffict passing through the road at that time of the day. Luckily, 2 factory workers asked if they could help and I asked them to help push my car to the roadside as not to hinder traffic. It was nice of them to ask.
I called hubby to tell him of my predicament, to highlight that I would be late and he asked if he needed to pick me up. I said that I would telll him if I need to be picked up. Called Shah and asked for his opinion. He said that there is a possibility that water had entered the engine, and tow ait a while and to re-start it again later. I waited for 15 mins and when I tried to re-start nothing happened still. Again, I called Shah and told him to go and talk to the mechanic who has a workshop next to his house. This is the same mechanic who repaired the gear box for my car.
Shah later told me that he had alerted the mechanic on my situation and position. It was getting darker, and maghrib was already advancing into isyak, my handphone battery was also running out. I had to make a decision to stay put or to walk back to the office. If I were to walk back, then I could perform the prayer at the surau while waiting for the mechanic to arrive. Texted a msg to Shah to tell him that I would be walking back to my office. Luckily the rain had stopped. He replied saying that he had informed the mechanic my handphone no and the location of my office.
Armed with an umbrella, I locked the car and walked about 1 km back to the office. There were not many street lamps and I keep on looking behind me, staying alert of the surrounding for prowlers and the like. There were some factory workers waiting on the road to be picked up to go home, otherwise the whole road was empty. Seriau jugaklah makcik ni berjalan sorang-sorang dalam gelap tu hehe. Nasib le siapa-siapa yang kacau sure kena belasah dengan payung malam tu hehe.
When I arrived at the office, went to take the phone charger and headed to the surau. Had the time to even completed the isyak prayer when the mechanic called to ask for location of my office. Since he was already in the vacinity then it took him less and 10 minutes to arrived at the office gate. He surveyed the problem for the old contraption and he still couldn't get it started, so he called the tow truck to have the car towed back to his workshop. Meanwhile, since my own car was already OK, (he drove my car to pick me up) we drove back to his workshop and later I took the car home.
Pheew, the following morning I told Abang Long what happened and told him that I would be returning the car back to him. I do hope that I don't have to use the old car again. My kaki and pinggang are still painful. Anyhow, I do not want to be an ungrateful person because the old contraption had made my journey to work possible for the last 2 months.
I now pray that no more mishap will befall me after this. Amiinn.

November 16, 2006

Syia Tak Sakit Perut Lagi

Semalam Syia sakit perut. Kata mak aku, entah berapa kali Syia asyik masuk keluar bilik air. Semalam pun dia tidur awal, nasi ayam yang baba beli pun dia tak jamah. Makan malam pun dia tak nak. Kesian aku tengok. Mak aku pun rasa kesian. Mak kata, "Seghuh muka dia hari ni".
Pagi-pagi lagi dia dah bangun siap nak ke sekolah. Dah siap tu dia datang ingatkan hubby suruh hantar dia ke sekolah. Tiap hari pun hubby yang hantarkan. Tapi hari ni dia gelisah sikit. Macam tak sabar dok tunggu baba dia bersiap nak menghantar dia dan terus ke ofis. Aku tahu kenapa dia gelisah. Tapi aku diamkan saja.
Tadi, lepas mendapat keputusan, aku dapat call dari Syia.
Excited bunyinya,
"Mama, Syia dapat 5A" Terus saja dia cakap bila dah dengar suara aku.
"Alhamdulillah, tahniah. Seronok ka?" Kata aku.
Syia hanya gelak.
Belum sempat aku telefon hubby, Ayin call dari rumah. Ayin sampaikan berita kematian ibu L, (ibu mertua adik Shah). Alfatihah untuk arwah. Berita tu aku dah tahu, Abang Long dah cakap tadi pagi. Aku tanya Ayin dah tahu ka yang Syia dapat 5A, dia kata belum. Gelak gembira kakak Ayin mendengar berita kejayaan adiknya.
Aku telefon hubby cakap berita tu, kami sama-sama bersyukur.
Bila dah balik dari sekolah Syia telefon lagi, dah cerita lebih detail, dia cakap sakit perutnya dah baik sikit.
Aku kata pada dia, yang semalam tu sakit perut takut agaknya. Dia cuma gelak sajalah.
Alhamdulillah, termakbul jugak doa kami. Syukur aku ke hadratNya. Semoga Allah akan memberi keberkatan ke atas ilmu yang di berikan kepada Syia. Semoga Syia akan terus berusaha dan berjaya di dunia dan akhirat.
Tahniah jugak buat semua anak-anak yang mendapat keputusan cemerlang dalam UPSR.
Lepas ni aku akan sakit perut lagi sebab Angah akan menduduki peperiksaan SPM mulai Isnin 20 November. All the best to her!!!

November 15, 2006

Kereta antik

Dah lama sangat dah aku rasa aku tak update blog. Cerita "over the weekend" tu dah basi dah. Tapinya entah apa pasal, aku naik malas pulak nak update. Agaknya penangan banyak sangat makan lepas masuk bulan Syawal ni kut.

Semakin hari aku semakin malas nak datang ke ofis. Kalau boleh tu aku siapkan semua kerja rumah aku tu dulu sebelum aku bersiap ke ofis. Jadinya sampai ofis dah 9.30 pagi. Mana tak lambat. Bangun, solat (bila boleh lah, kalau "cuti" terus masuk dapur je lah) lepas tu masak untuk lunch diorang yang kat rumah, kasi makan ayam dan kucing, keluarkan/masukkan baju dari washing machine. Dah tu prepare breakfast untuk mak aku. Siap semua tu baru aku nak mandi segala. Masa tu dah pukul 8.15 pagi.

Lepas aku dah siap tu aku kena panaskan enjin kereta dulu sebelum aku boleh jalan. Panaskan enjin kereta? Haah. Kenapa? Sebabnya, dah dekat 2 bulan aku kena pakai kereta antik arwah ayah. Kereta aku sebelum puasa tu dah masuk workshop, gear box rosak. Camna boleh rosak? Entah, aku pun tak tahu. Aku bukan pandai pasal kereta ni, yang aku tahu masuk kereta start enjin, tukar gear, jalan. Tiba-tiba saja, semacam je bunyi kereta tu, bila gear tu nak bertukar tu. Bila hantar pergi workshop, mekanik tu kata gear box rosak. Major repair tu, memakan RMxxxx tu nak repair. Sabar je lah dengan dugaan ni. Aku rasa memang tahun 2006 ni dugaan aku melibatkan penggunaan duit ringgit yang banyak. Tu pun Alhamdulillah tak ada major health problem kat dalam keluarga.

Jadinya dah tak ada kereta, mula-mula tu bolehlah hubby asyik mengambil dan menghantar. Bulan puasa pulak tu, lambat lah sampai rumah. Akhirnya, bila Abang Long offer sebijik dari kereta dia (dia ni suka simpan kereta antik, ada 2 biji Mini Cooper, 1 Volkswagen, Toyota KE30 kat rumah dia), aku dengan hubby terus saja terima. Aku ingat dia nak bagi aku kereta Waja dia, tup tup dia bagi kereta arwah ayah. Kereta tu walaupun auto, tapi enjin dah lama, berat pulak tu pedal dia. 2 hari sekali kena pulak check air ada tak kat dalam tangki, takut kang berasap di tengah highway tu, lagi lah malu muka aku dok kena tunggu kereta sejuk sebelum bubuh air. Jadinya, setiap pagi aku kenalah perangat dulu enjin tu sebelum aku dapat jalan dengan elok. Dan, oleh kerana kereta tu besar dan berat rasanya, bagi aku yang comel lote ni lah hehehe, kaki sebelah kanan aku pun dah mula sakit. Setiap malam aku akan gosok-gosok, picit-picit kaki aku ni. Apa-apa pun aku bersyukurlah jugak, kalau tak ada kereta antik arwah ayah ni, susah jugak lah aku nak ke tempat kerja. Dalam uzur-uzur ni pun, masih boleh digunakan. Masih berjasa pada kami.
Awal bulan November hari tu pun ada jugak kereta ni buat hal sikit. Hari tu aku kena ke KL pasal kerjalah. Since balik hari, aku pun naik flight sajalah. Flight aku pukul 9.05 am, aku keluar rumah dalam 7.15 am. Sampai kat stesyen minyak aku stop nak isi minyak. Alahai, bila aku nak start balik, tak mau hiduplah pulak. Panik lah aku jadinya, takut miss flight. Kalau aku miss flight tentu aku kena call boss aku cakap aku akan lambat atau aku terus saja tak jadi pergi. nasiblah panjang jugak akal aku ni, aku call abang long, dia kata suruh orang tolak ketepi sat and then panggil hubby aku suruh hantar ke airport. Jadi aku pun call hubby, nasib baik dia dah siap nak pergi kerja dah, jadinya lambat lah dia hari tu sebab kena hantar aku ke airport. Lepas aku mintak tolong sorang lelaki kat petrol station tu tolak kereta ke tepi, aku cubalah call sorang colleague aku yang akan ke KL jugak, tanya dia kat mana masa tu. Kalau dia masih belum terlepas dari tempat aku berada tu nak jugak aku tumpang dia saja. Kata dia dia dah ada atas jambatan dah. Jadi kena jugak susahkan hubby. Hari tu pulak traffik kat atas jambatan slow yang amat. Maka bertambah paniklah aku dibuatnya. Peluh jugak lah ket*ak kau dok takut tak sempat sampai airpot in time. Alhamdulillah, tak miss flight aku. Bila kat KL jumpa dengan Sam, dia tempelak aku katanya kereta aku tu asyik buat hal saja. Sam ni kan hari tu pernah naik kereta aku yang pancit kat atas jambatan Pulau Pinang tu. Kena lah aku cerita pulak yang buat hal kali ni bukan kereta aku tapi kereta antik arwah ayah aku. Adik Shah aku kata bukan pasal bateri yang buat kereta tu tak boleh start hari tu, tapi wayar ke starter tercabut katanya. Jangan tanya aku, macam mana boleh jadi macam tu OK.
Maybe ada yang kata, alah AuntyN ambik cuti je lah. Kat ofis pun bukan ada kerja. Bukan tak boleh nak cuti. Tapi cuti dah tinggal 2 hari. Kalau aku ambik akhir tahun ni bila semuanya dah di congak, nanti cuti yang terlebih ambik tu akan ditolak dari gaji. Tak nak lah ada tolak-tolak ni, kalau nak tambah tak apa hehehe. Kami dah tak boleh accumulate cuti tahun lepas untuk bring forwad ke tahun ini. Setiap tahun, kena perhabiskan cuti tahun semasa. Jadi ni kan dah hujung tahun, cuti pun dah nak habis dah. Tak apalah, nanti lepas tahun baru tu dah nak cuti panjang dah.
Nantilah aku ceritakan keadaan aku menghitung hari-hari sebelum kami tiba hari terakhir aku sebagai seorang pekerja syarikat ini.

November 07, 2006

Over the Weekend

Kak Long's new semester would be starting on the 6 Nov. After about a month of holiday. Alhamdulillah she passed all her exams, grade wise, I have yet to see it. So the weekend was spent on her delivery back to campus.

Saturday, after subuh, I started to make bergedil for Kak Long. Since Kak Long had introduce the bergedil to her friends, they have kept asking for more. I asked hubby who were going to the pasar to get me ingrediens for the rendang. 3 kg of beef, kerisik, santan, serai, lengkuas, halia etc. Some for leaving at home for the Mak, Angah, Ayin dan Syia. Some for the Kak Long and some for the "gegar raya" (This was just a preparation since I didn't commit to them that I would be going. Malu kang aku pergi tangan kosong je tu"

In the afternoon, hubby, Kak Long and I went shopping for Kak Long's things (kaki sleuar jeans nak kena potong, shampoo, bedak, sabun semua dah habis katanya. Bila lagi kalau nak replenish stock tu hehe) At the same time hubby had to change 4 of his car's tyres. Teruk duit keluar macam air, dahlah baru je raya. Habis tu kalau tak buat takut pulak tayar kereta meletup tengah jalan sebab dah botak dah.

After the shopping, we stopped by the charkoayteow in Seberang Jaya. Makan dan tapau bawak balik untuk the girls. At night, while Kak Long was packing her things, Angah made some cornflake with honey for Kak Long to take back to campus. Terharu aku tengok kasih sayang dua beradik tu. Kak Long said it was a huge success, ada chance buat jualan for raya haji and the next year raya hehehe. Sapa nak tempah? hehehe

Sunday, after breakfast, around 10.00 am, we left for cyberjaya. Mamat who came home for the weekend by himself (his wife is still on maternity leave in in-laws' place and son are still in Trengganu), decided to join us to return home. With Kak Long, my 2 nieces and another of their friend, all 7 of us started the journey. We arrived in MMU at about about 3.00 pm.

After putting down the 3 girls at the campus, Mamat at an lrt station, we went to Low Yatt plaza. Kak Long's laptop rosak lagi. The other day it was virus problem, kena reformat aje. This time around the laptop cannot be switched on. Lucky thing the warranty is still valid for a few more days (until end of this months). But again at Low Yatt, we were told that it was better that we send the laptop to the HP service center at the Bukit Damansara. It was sunday, the service center is opened from Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 6.00 pm. It meant that we had to put up a night in KL for just that purpose. We were prepared for it actually, but we would have driven back home if things were settled on Sunday itself.

Although, I had already informed and get the consent from hubby for the gathering, I didn't dare to commit to the host that I would be there. But after we had decided to stay overnight, hubby drove to BBBangi and dropped me at the Arc/LB's house. Hubby and Kak Long then went to have satay Kajang at Bangi's town, so I was left there to have a whale of a time ( tak payah control ayu lerr sebab aku sorang je hehehe). It was a pleasure meeting all of you ( you know who you are, I won't mention any names, takut nanti kecik hati kalau aku miss nama korang). Jumpa jugak dengan you all yang riuh rendah tu kan hehe. When hubby fetched me, aku siap dapat tapau nasi dagang dengan mee rebus lagi tu. Thank you for the food and also the duit raya and of course the company.

Monday, early morning, I was shocked by a phone call from the office receeptionist. I was told that there was a break in into the factory, could I come in early that morning. Told her that I was in KL and to call the other managers. A few offices were broken into. Laptops were taken and a few personal things. Luckily, my office was spared and nothing was missing. My laptop is always on my table, the blinds are always opened. It was full view for anyone passes by my office. Alhamdulillah. mungkin berkat ayatul kursi yang aku selalu baca dengan doa dijaga harta benda aku dimana jua ianya berada.
After sending the laptop for service, dropped by Abang Lang's house to send some of his stuff which was left at my house during the raya. I asked him for a favour to collect Kak Long's laptop when the service is completed, to save us time and money to go down again just for that purpose. We left Shah Alam to head home at about 1.30 pm and while on the road at about Gunung Semanggol, Kak Long told us that HP had called to informed that her laptop was already ready for collection. Informed Abang Lang and he had collected and sent the laptop to Kak Long. Thanks Abang Lang.
We reached home at around 6.30 pm.