Kak Yan so much as to "pecah rahsia" about me being once a upon a time a dancer in the school. Yes, I loved dancing, especially the tradisional Malay dances like Inang, Zapin, Joget, etc, etc. I started dancing when I was in Primary School. Whenever there was any stage show I would be on the stage. At that young age, the word "malu" was not in my vocabulary. My mom did not approve of this but, I didn't take heed to that at all. I was so very engrossed with my practices and dancing classes. I am not a bad dancer actually.
When I entered the all girls boarding school, there wasn't anyone to disapprove so, definitely I would be on the stage at any given opportunity. There used to be inter-form or inter-house competition or stage shows held by the school for some occasions. Me and my "troupe" would be dancing to the traditional or the modern dances, really enjoyed those days. Carefree and no worries.
In my class there was a girl from Trengganu, she was the best dancer in the whole school. Because she was trained as the gamelan dancer in Trengganu, you should see how her fingers can be flapped back to the wrist effortlessly. She was really good. She is now a Prof. Madya in one of the local universities. The other good one is my friend who is now residing in Kulim. She is patite (even smaller than me) and quite soft too. So the 3 of us usually will be representing the school for any outside dance competition.
I do remember we were also taught by Johore choreographer by the name of En Wahi who was so soft (as in lembut) when we were entering a certain competition, can't quire remember what by now. He was supposedly the best in the Johor at that time.
My dancing days ended when I entered ITM. The last time I was on stage was during the performance of Boria (since I am from Penang) during the orientationn week. After that I sort of hang up my dancing shoes. Even during my working days when we used to have annual dinner and dance, I would pretend to be "kaki kayu" whenever my colleagues invited me to dance. I would stand so still on the floor long enough to give them the message. That stopped me being so "popular" and being asked to dance with different partner. I guessed I must have Taubat already by then.
I did remember an incident during the bording school dance night (similar to the prom nite in TV). Since it was an all girls boarding school, the men available were teachers, lab staffs, office boys etc. During a slow number, we girls would dance "peluk" with each other lah. At that time, no such thought of le****n ever got into our heads. We were such innocents. The lights would be dimmed and there were also the disco lights to bring in the mood.
Of course there were some daring kakak2 senior who will also dance the slow dance with the men (teachers etc, etc). I and my friend while dancing "peluk2" turn to a guy and keep on encouraging him to ask another friend for a dance (waltz lah ni). We even thought him to say "excuse me, may I have this dance". Little did I know that it was going to backfire, because he turned around and used the statement on me. Waaaahhh!!!, I panicked and run out of the hall. I did come back later to apologise to him saying that I was not used to it. Luckily he took it sportingly.
Let see if you can spot me in these old photos. To those who know me, please don't point me out, syyyyyyyyy !!! If NOT NO MORE friend you..... hehehe
Jeng, jeng, jeng

Me and friends (+ a teacher) in front of the school

My German pen-friend and his sister, way back then

Lastly, my sailor friend