July 15, 2005

Monkey Business

Wednesday evening when I arrived home, I saw an unfamiliar figure outside my back door. I usually enter the house through that door but since the animal was right infront of it I hesitated for a little bit. It has an unfamiliar shape, because it does not look any of Sya's cats. I went closer and to my suprised it was a monkey. I know, perhaps you may think why suprise because I am staying in a kampung. But we have never had a monkey coming to the house before. We don't have any bushes or hutan behind my house. In front is jalan raya, so where it came from puzzled me. It might have been lost I presumes. With the rambutan ripening on the trees and the other plants around the house, my compound may have been a haven for it to stop by.

It looked at me, seemed to be quite tame, and I am not about to try and get hold of it because I don't want to be beaten. I couldn't tell whether it is someone's pet because it did not have any chain around its neck. I don't know, if any of my neighbours who may have got a monkey for a pet.

When I shooed it away what it did was to climb up to the roof. It stayed there for sometime. My maid was trying to lure it to come down and move out of the compound. She used a ripe papaya, but still the monkey would not come down. I then told my maid to just ignore it, place the papaya where it can see it on the fence, it may come down later. My hubby was concerned because it uprooted some of his palm trees, to eat the bulb (umbut). I was concerned that it might attacked any of my girls, when they go outside playing. I asked them to stay in door.

The next morning (Thursday) I saw it was sitting on the cement road where my hubby always parked my car. It saw me prying from my window pane looking at him/her (how to tell the monkey's gender?) and came closer to the window. I didn't open the window for fear it might just leap into the house. It then climbed the rambutan tree just next to the window, still looking at me. It really was one curious monkey. The tree is only 2 feet away from the window pane. It was the last that I saw of the monkey. Later I was told by my maid that some neightbours were saying that it was disturbing the school children. Wonder where it came from, because a jungle is a few km away from my house. I think the effect of man clearing the jungle to make way for the housing areas and other development has taken toll on these animals. Poor them not to have their natural habitat to live in.

Besides that, I just want to "mencecer" sikit about my foreigner colleague. Last wednesday, there seemed to be lots of activities within the factory. So many groupss of visitors were around. Finance had one, Quality had one, Production had one. My mat saleh colleague was here for product prototyping, so he was working with the production people. He is from the KL office. Since so many people were around the visitors rooms were all taken up. He is a plumb man, not relly good looking, don't like him that much too.

I went to perform my solat and came back to a stinko office. My phone was turned from its original position, the chairs were also not pushed back from the table. Slightly disturbed. My office is always open, I usually let them use the phone if there is no other alternative, he is also of the same rank as me, and I am not one who is so impolite to turn away request of using the company phone. But he is surely one stinky man. Ni mesti kes tak mandi pagi ni. Dah lah mai guna ofis aku dah busuk dah, I had to sembur some air freshener to diffuse the smell. Then when I picked the phone, yerrrrkkkk, I almost puke.
So far he is the only mat saleh who have been here who has got foul (sorry lah if this is a bit strong) body adour. My boss is also a mat saleh, but he does not generate strong and bad body adour, thank God!!! I have got other mat saleh colleagues who were here before, but he (Mr SS) must be on top of the list on stinky man. I wasn't sure that it was him because I wasn't around when he was using my phone, so I asked my clerk to confirm. Sure enough it was Mr SS who used it. He came again to use the phone after that, I just said be my guest and left the room for quite some time. I turned the aircon up and later spray the air freshener again.

So tell me lah your experience with stinky colleague.


Ely said...

pasal si monkey tuh, kesian pulak i tgk dia eh? kalau i mesti dah i jemput dia masuk rumah. knowing my husband, mungkin monyet tuh duk kat kerusi makan, makan sekali ngan kitorang hehehe.

pasal the mat saleh tuh. mungkin dia lupa nak mandi kot? sometimes they sweat more than us, yucks!

AuntyN said...

Ely : takut that it might be a wild monkey. My youngest daughter tu animal lover dia suka lah kalau dapat pegang2 tu.

Memang sah kes tak mandi pagi tu.

Anonymous said...

My MIL always told us yang monkeys always come to the house but my sons never had a chance to actually see the monkey . So last month , buah rambutan tgh masak ranum , the kids were suprise early in the morning with more than 10 ekor monyet kat rumah . Macam Safarilah pulak , budak2 memanglah suka tapi I suruh my hubby shooed them away. Manalah tahu di kidnappednya anak kita.
Terpanjanglah pulak story. Tumpang lalu sat ye.

Mrs Amd

AuntyN said...

Mrs Amd : Bila nak buka blog?

Anonymous said...

N, rumah orang tua i kat Melaka tu, monyet2 tu macam kekawan je. Siap mak i ajak bual2. Tapi sekali sekala kalau dapat masuk rumah tu, habis bedak, mekap dikerjanye...

Tang org yang ada BO tu, ada baiknye kalau kita bagitau direct aje... Kalau tak kena migrane nanti.

WRA said...

taman saya kena serang monkey gak itu hari....anak dara saya kena cakar dgn dia masa nak larikan diri....sekarang dah tak de coz kena tangkap dek rukun tetangga taman tu...:)

BO tu...colleagues tak pernah la tapi students selalu....masuk lif, student penuh, ada la sorang dua yg berbau....penin gak kepala....tu tak masuk yg dtg borak ngan kita & bau mulut..masyaAllah...nak pengsan dan-dan tu....

Anonymous said...

Jaga-jaga Aunty N...tu beruk cari business tau...nanti kena gigit..susah..

Mat Salleh ni sah lah mandi macam P.Ramlee...celup bijik mata je..kah..kah.kah..:-)

Anonymous said...

cute tak monkey tu :-)

I got an elderly french guy in the office.. BO dia... gushhh sebatu pun you boleh bau.. I thought he is the only mat salleh yg tak pandai nak take care of himself rupa2nya ada jugak "seekor" kat off Kak N.. I wonder bau dia ngan monkey tu lebih kurang tak? - Eastar

AuntyN said...

Nong : Yg BO kuat tu ofis dia dk KL (nasib baik lah). Jadi tak lah sampai kena migraine kut hehehe

Alex : Tu yang takut nak main2 tu takut kena cakar. Tak tahu asal usul.
Pasal students' BO tu, adoi dulu masa student dulu dah pernah rasa/bau dah tu. Jadi 10 minit ken tahan nafas masuk class tu hehehe

Bilal : Dia tak kenai P Ramlee, rasanya yg tu pun tak pun.

Easter : Bukan "sekor" dua banyak lagi camtu tu. So far kat my ofis ni yg ni yg obvious sgt tu. Rasanya monyet tu lagi boleh tolerate kut :-)

Unknown said...


what has the monkey got to do with the mat saleh?

Are you implying something...;)

AuntyN said...

jiwa : hahaha, I hope not, just that the 2 events happened on the same day aje lah

shidah said...

monkey, mat saleh .... mcm ada equation je ;)

AuntyN said...

Shidah : hahaha ada kut :-)

anedra said...

I have a colleague like yours. His BO is the worst I;ve smelt in my life. The problem is, he has to travel quite a bit and meet partners and stuff and I'm sure others have noticed his BO and it'll look bad on him. I can't imagine taking a flight and having to sit next to him. Thing is, he's a really nice guy, only the BO is a problem. I figured that someone has to tell him or else he won't do anything. But how?

Anonymous said...





Kak Teh said...

N - nasib baik i taka da colleague. I rush in and out of office too fast to build that kind of relationship. Buut i memang seik dengan office politics.

AuntyN said...

Anedra : I can understand what you mean. The same with my colleague in pun at time memang kena jumpa customer jugak. Problem is like u say who to tell, I pity those who are with him in KL office, they "smell" him almost everyday. Can't understand his own bangsa pun tak tegur tu.

4tr4p Princess : amboi panjangnya nick ni. Isy bau curry, minyak lenga adoi lagi lah menusuk hidung tu hehehe

Puteri : Tak berani nak cium monyet tu so duduk jauh2 je tu. Mat Saleh tu se batu dah terbau, jadinya the MAt Saleh tu lah yg lebih baunya hehehe

Wan : Alhamdulillah aunty sihat ni. Isy I can imagine your problem, kena pakai mask ke tu hehehe.

Kak Teh : Lucky u!!!

Anonymous said...

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP »