Sejak dari awal cuti sekolah lagi, banyak jugak jemputan kenduri kahwin yang aku terima. 2 orang abang pupu i.e cousins brothers (anak2 adik mak aku) telah pun selamat mengahwinkan anak-anak masing-masing. Tarikh kenduri pun selang seminggu saja tu. Aku cuma dapat pergi pada salah satu saja kerana yang mula tu aku ada di KL masa tu.
Pada hujung minggu ni, anak Abang Long, Mamat, pulak nak mengakhiri zaman bujang dia. Pada hujung minggu ni pernikahan akan di adakan di kediaman pengantin perempuan nun di Trengganu. Dah lah dok hujan, dok banjir, diorang pulak tetapkan tarikh nikah kat sana tu pada bulan Disember. Hubby dah janji dengan abang long nak mengikuti rombongan ke Terengganu, maka akan ke sana lah kami pada hujung minggu ini. Abang Long, Abang Ngah, S, Shah dan keluarga masing-masing akan bertolak dari Penang, melalui East-West Highway, merentasi Kelantan ke Kuala Trengganu. Aku, berempat beranak (sebab Ayin dengan Syia saja yang ada tu) akan ke KL, ambik Kak Long dan Angah kemudian convoy dengan Abang Lang dari Shah Alam. Aku dengar cantik perjalanan dari Kuantan ke KT tu. Aku belum lagi pernah sampai ke KT, hubby dah pernah dah beberapa kali. Dah beberapa kali plan nak ke Terengganu, tapi berkali-kali tu jugaklah terpaksa di batalkan. Mungkin kali ni ada rezeki.
Mamat ni, anak lelaki sulong, walaupun dia ada kakak tetapi kakak dia belum bertemu jodoh lagi. Kalau ikut cucu lelaki pun kira dia lah cucu lelaki mak-ayah aku yang sulong. Muda belia lagi, baru 26 tahun umur dia. Oleh kerana dah bertemu jodoh, muda pun tak kan nak tunggu lagi dah kan? Jadinya, dia jugaklah yang nak menjadi anak saudara pertama aku yang akan mendirikan rumah tangga. Lepas majlis nikah dan kenduri di Terengganu, Abang Long akan adakan kenduri kahwin Mamat ni di sebelah sini pada hujung bulan Disember. Jauh jugak jarak masa tu, tapi elok kut senang orang Trengganu nak datang sini kut.
Selain dari kenduri Mamat ni, ada lagi anak sepupu aku nak dilangsungkan juga. Tarikh dia sehari selepas tarikh Abang Long buat kenduri kat rumah dia. Seminggu lepas tu kakak aku, Kak M (yang Tj kata terrer tu!!) pun nak buat kenduri jugak. Anak perempuan sulong Kak M, Salwa (segagan atau sama baya dengan Mamat) pun nak kahwin akhir Disember ni. Walaupun Kak M berbesan orang Trengganu jugak, aku rasa aku tak akan ke Terengganu sekali lagi agaknya. Kak M tak pun pelawa kami untuk pergi kenduri di rumah besan dia tu, kami assume tak payah pergi lah. Kenduri besan Kak M pertengahan Januari 2006.
Kawan aku kat utara pun nak menerima seorang lagi menantu. Awal tahun 2005 dulu tu dah langsung dah si adik. Yang ni abang lah pulak. Aku belum menerima jemputan, tapi dah diberitahu oleh seorang kawan yang tinggal di Perlis. Tak tentu lagi aku nak pergi ke tak kalau mendapat jemputan tu. Kawan aku di Perlis tu sukalah kalau kami dapat pergi dan kemudian lepak2 kat rumah dia. Mungkin jugak boleh pergi shopping di Padang Besar sebelum balik tu. Tengok keadaan dululah sebab kat kampung pun masa tu ada jemputan jugak. Kalau diatur rumah, kenyang sangat dapat makan free tu.
Aku harap semasa kami di Terengganu tu tak lah hujan dan banjir. Kalau tak pastinya akan jadi Monsoon Wedding. Nak pergi ke rumah pengantin kena naik bot pulak, tok kadi datang pun naik bot jugak, :-). Habis semua baju2 lip lap dan yang glemer2 tu basah, kan haru tu. InsyaAllah, tak hujan.
Minggu ni jugak ada Monsson Cup di Kuala Terengganu. Baru ni hubby ada suruh kawan dia book bilik hotel untuk kami sekeluarga di Primula Beach Resort. Dah semua bilik-bilik di hotel tu sudah di tempah. Besan Abang Long ada sediakan 1 rumah 4 bilik, tapi kerana agak ramai, aku dan keluarga buat keputusan nak tempah hotel sajalah. Bila dah dengar kisah Primula tu penuh, aku pun tanya sorang lagi kawan untuk tinjau2 kat tempat lain. Baiknya hati dia, tolong Kak N dia ni. Dapatlah aku tempah bilik hotel tu, tak lah berapa jauh dari rumah kenduri kata dia, 20 minit saja dengan kereta. Aku kenalah percaya cakap dia sebab aku tak tahu pun kat mana tempat tu :-). Oleh kerana dia sangat baik hati tu, hubby dah janji nak bawak Buah Pala jeruk untuk kawan aku tu. Seronok dia bila dia dengar tu, kata dia buah pala pun sedap jugak tu. Aku kena pulak dok peringatkan hubby untuk beli jeruk buah pala tu, takut nanti, dia terlupa, malu aku nanti. Mintak tolong, dah tu janji pulak tu tapi tak bawak. InsyaAllah aku juga akan di belanja makan nasi dagang pada minggu ini.
InsyaAllah, kami semua selamat dalam perjalanan kami untuk "membina mesjid" dan mengeratkan silaturrahim dengan orang-orang di Terenganu tu.
November 29, 2005
November 28, 2005
There were 3 events which I have to be thankful for.
Angah is not at home, she is at the hockey tounament in Seremban. We crossed path, I was on the way home from KL, she was travelling down south. Would not be seing her for 2 weeks.
Friday evening, hubby said that he would be going to visit his sister Kak Maz, who came back to Penang. He said we (Ayin, Syia and I) could go with him. We did. On the way to Kak Maz's 3rd son's house in Penang, Angah called and told me that she had red spots all over her body. My first reaction was " Are you feverish?" She said she wasn't but right now feeling slightly feverish. " Please drink lots of water" I didn't want to say the word that was already inside my brain. I was scared stiff. She said " the water here is rusty, ma. The facilities are so terrible". I asked again " Isn't there any mineral or bottled water?" She said no. OMG, please don't make it dengue. I said please ask your teacher to bring you to the hospital, told her I was scared it could be dengue. She said her trainer was on the way to the hostel to take her to the hospital.
OK then, much later I smsed to get the latest news, she was on the way to the hospital with 3 teachers and another girl who had the same symptom. I was quiet all night long at the nephew's home. On the way back to our house, I was too scared to event speak. I was praying hard that Angah didn't contract dengue fever. Smsed her, but there was no answer, when I called, I was greeted by the voicemail. Desperately waiting for some answers, I called some of her friends whom I know were with her. It was late so it was no suprise that I was getting voicemails from all. I didn't know how I slept but managed to do so.
The next morning, the first thing I did was to call one of her friend's no. A lady teacher picked up as the girl was in the toilet. Told me that Angah had just had ellergy and she was doing fine. She couldn't answer my called because her handphone battery was too low. I was so relieved to hear that. Managed to later talked to Angah herself to ensure myself she was OK. She was given a jab for the ellergy.
Alhamdulillah, Angah is OK.
My younger sister came to my house on Saturday and handed me 2 pairs of blouses. S bought herself a few pairs and bought for me 2 pairs. However she over estimated my size. Both were TOO big for me. Can't quite remember when did we ever given each other presents anyway. I guessed she was just grateful for the support hubby and I have been giving her. Said thanks, but told her I would have to exchange for smaller sizes. Offered her dinner which she accepted after seeing ikan terubuk belah belakang on the plate :-), :-). She even invited her son W to come over to eat dinner at our house, which he did in time to sit and enjoy the food with my hubby.
Alhamdulillah for the 2 blouses.
Today, Sunday, went out with my hubby. The plan was for him to renew his car roadtax in Kulim, prior to that we had to buy breakfast for mak, the girls and bibik. Did that and off we went to the wet market to buy fish and veggies. Sent back the things and we were on the way to Kulim. But the Takaful office was closed, miscalculation on my part because I thought that they would be opened like the JPJ etc, in Kedah. No, they are working from Monday to Saturday. Their week-end is Sunday unlike some other organisations in Kedah. Too bad. We were both already so hungry by then, stopped to have a brunch. Told hubby need to go pay the streamyx since my connection was down, I thought it was due to me not paying the bill. I usually forget the bill until TM disconnect me. But that was not the only reason. Couldn't get connected even after I came home a few hours later. Called 1 300 number again and after a few calls, was told that my network driver was not updated. At first, I thought we had to go to the shop which had changed the network card a few weeks ago, I found the disk and update it myself with the help of hubby. Still couldn't get connected, had another technical advise session with the TM guy, what a nice and friendly person he was!!!. In the end, it was much later that I managed to get myself back onto the net.
While we were out, I told hubby that I need to go and exchange the blouses. Since the shop was empty of customers, we were able to pick and chose and try freely. Found the Indon assistant to be helpful and friendly. After much trying and choosing, I finally found the suitable one for the exchange. On top of that I had another pair of baju kurung, compliment from my hubby, hehehe.
Alhamdulillah for the understanding and generous hubby. Although he is always teasing me, for always "wasting" my time on the net, chatting and browsing, but he went all out to help when the connection was down. Was already prepared to take the PC back to the shop had it not been resolved. And of course I have another brand new baju kurung to go to the weddings in December *hint for the next entry*
There were 3 events which I have to be thankful for.
Angah is not at home, she is at the hockey tounament in Seremban. We crossed path, I was on the way home from KL, she was travelling down south. Would not be seing her for 2 weeks.
Friday evening, hubby said that he would be going to visit his sister Kak Maz, who came back to Penang. He said we (Ayin, Syia and I) could go with him. We did. On the way to Kak Maz's 3rd son's house in Penang, Angah called and told me that she had red spots all over her body. My first reaction was " Are you feverish?" She said she wasn't but right now feeling slightly feverish. " Please drink lots of water" I didn't want to say the word that was already inside my brain. I was scared stiff. She said " the water here is rusty, ma. The facilities are so terrible". I asked again " Isn't there any mineral or bottled water?" She said no. OMG, please don't make it dengue. I said please ask your teacher to bring you to the hospital, told her I was scared it could be dengue. She said her trainer was on the way to the hostel to take her to the hospital.
OK then, much later I smsed to get the latest news, she was on the way to the hospital with 3 teachers and another girl who had the same symptom. I was quiet all night long at the nephew's home. On the way back to our house, I was too scared to event speak. I was praying hard that Angah didn't contract dengue fever. Smsed her, but there was no answer, when I called, I was greeted by the voicemail. Desperately waiting for some answers, I called some of her friends whom I know were with her. It was late so it was no suprise that I was getting voicemails from all. I didn't know how I slept but managed to do so.
The next morning, the first thing I did was to call one of her friend's no. A lady teacher picked up as the girl was in the toilet. Told me that Angah had just had ellergy and she was doing fine. She couldn't answer my called because her handphone battery was too low. I was so relieved to hear that. Managed to later talked to Angah herself to ensure myself she was OK. She was given a jab for the ellergy.
Alhamdulillah, Angah is OK.
My younger sister came to my house on Saturday and handed me 2 pairs of blouses. S bought herself a few pairs and bought for me 2 pairs. However she over estimated my size. Both were TOO big for me. Can't quite remember when did we ever given each other presents anyway. I guessed she was just grateful for the support hubby and I have been giving her. Said thanks, but told her I would have to exchange for smaller sizes. Offered her dinner which she accepted after seeing ikan terubuk belah belakang on the plate :-), :-). She even invited her son W to come over to eat dinner at our house, which he did in time to sit and enjoy the food with my hubby.
Alhamdulillah for the 2 blouses.
Today, Sunday, went out with my hubby. The plan was for him to renew his car roadtax in Kulim, prior to that we had to buy breakfast for mak, the girls and bibik. Did that and off we went to the wet market to buy fish and veggies. Sent back the things and we were on the way to Kulim. But the Takaful office was closed, miscalculation on my part because I thought that they would be opened like the JPJ etc, in Kedah. No, they are working from Monday to Saturday. Their week-end is Sunday unlike some other organisations in Kedah. Too bad. We were both already so hungry by then, stopped to have a brunch. Told hubby need to go pay the streamyx since my connection was down, I thought it was due to me not paying the bill. I usually forget the bill until TM disconnect me. But that was not the only reason. Couldn't get connected even after I came home a few hours later. Called 1 300 number again and after a few calls, was told that my network driver was not updated. At first, I thought we had to go to the shop which had changed the network card a few weeks ago, I found the disk and update it myself with the help of hubby. Still couldn't get connected, had another technical advise session with the TM guy, what a nice and friendly person he was!!!. In the end, it was much later that I managed to get myself back onto the net.
While we were out, I told hubby that I need to go and exchange the blouses. Since the shop was empty of customers, we were able to pick and chose and try freely. Found the Indon assistant to be helpful and friendly. After much trying and choosing, I finally found the suitable one for the exchange. On top of that I had another pair of baju kurung, compliment from my hubby, hehehe.
Alhamdulillah for the understanding and generous hubby. Although he is always teasing me, for always "wasting" my time on the net, chatting and browsing, but he went all out to help when the connection was down. Was already prepared to take the PC back to the shop had it not been resolved. And of course I have another brand new baju kurung to go to the weddings in December *hint for the next entry*
November 25, 2005
Perjalanan Pulang
Alhamdulillah, aku dah sampai balik ke rumah.
Selepas sessi menebeng di kedai mamak dengan Makandeh, Auntie Yan dan Syida pada malam Khamis tu, aku pun di hantar balik oleh MakAndeh ke hotel. Kami hantar Kak Yan dulu, strategi lagi lah tu kan. Nak tunjuk jugak kat famili Kak Yan yang kami ni prihatin kat dia, hantar sampai depan rumah, dengan selamatnya. Dibantu oleh roti canai yang di tapau untuk "upah" buka pintu tu, InsyaAllah lain kali Kak Yan boleh dapat lesen lagi :-) , :-) . Semua suami2 yang mithali perlu bagi sedikit kebebasan kepada isteri2 mereka untuk bersama2 kawan2. A little space to spice up your life. Baru lah isteri2 bersemangat dan lebih sayangkan suami diorang tu. Betul kan puan2 semua? Hehehehe.
Sampai kat hotel, aku fon PS, untuk dia bukak pintu. Nowadays the hotel bagi 1 saja kunci, kesian PS kena bangun buka pintu untuk aku. PS tak ikut kami sebab, dia nak study. Friday dia ada exam.
Dah masuk, aku sambil dok pack up barang2 aku, sambil hantar sms kat sorang kawan tu. Kami ada ajak dia datang menebeng sama, katanya dia ada hal. Agaknya idea menebeng dengan makcik2 bukan satu idea yang memberansangkan dia untuk keluar malam. Aku cuma nak make sure dia OK saja lah.
Tidur pun lewat jugak dah, dekat pukul 1 pagi, seriau jugak takut aku tak terbangun pagi, sebab, aku nak kena check-out awal selepas breakfast. Nak kena sampai ofis sebelum 8.30 pagi sebab dah janji dengan boss nak pergi dengan dia ke tempat meeting tu. Boss aku, dia belum pernah ke tempat meeting tu lagi. Sebenarnya aku nervous jugaklah pergi bersama dengan boss aku tu, walaupun itu adalah satu peluang yang amat di nantikan oleh sesetengah pihak.
Alhamdulillah, terbangun seperti biasa pukul 6.00 pagi bila alarm dari handfon bunyi. Lagipun, suara imam mesjid Petronas KLCC tu amat kuat kedengaran masuk ke bilik aku. Aku bangun, solat, mandi dan siap. Bila dah siap PS dan aku bawak barang turun ke kereta, naik breakfast, check-out dan bertolak ke ofis.
Hubby telefon suruh sembang dengan Angah. Hubby dah beritahu yang Angah nak ke Seremban pagi tu untuk tournament hoki. Macam biasalah, mak nak kena bagi pesan-pesanan untuk anak supaya berhati-hati, jaga diri baik dan sebagainya. Jadi kami berselisih lah, aku nak balik Angah nak turun ke Seremban. Dua minggu Angah kat Seremban tu.
The meeting went well. I didn’t expect it NOT to go well anyway. The only thing is it gives me the impression that I may be retiring earlier than I plan to. Takeovers are sinister tools, but life goes on. It’s a MUST. Just need some planning, back-up plan, contigency plans. Kita merancang, Allah yang tentukan. Aku tawakal sajalah.
Dah sampai balik dari meeting tu, terserempak dengan PS nak pergi lunch dengan another colleague. Suruh dia pergi dan tapau something simple untuk aku. Aku nak check e-mails dan sign documents yang perlu sebelum aku keluar dari ofis. Bila PS balik dari lunch aku dah hampir kebulur dah J . Makan nasi goreng yang dia beli untuk aku, lepas tu pack up untuk bertolak. Masa tu dah pukul 3.00 ptg dah. Cadang nak singgah ke Cyberjaya jenguk Kak Long sebelum pulang.
Sampai kat hostel MMU, aku pinjam towel Kak Long sebab aku nak mandi dan tukar baju. Satu hari ber 3 piece suit, rasa dah rimas. So, aku mandi dan tukar ke jeans dan t-shirt. Segar aku lepas mandi tu, jamak solat kat bilik kak long, dan finally bertolak dari cyberjaya pukul 4.30 ptg. Tengok PS pun letih, dia tidor masa aku drive tu aku drive terus sampai Bukit Gantang. Lagipun hujan sepanjang jalan malas aku nak stop kat Tapah macam selalu tu. Kami stop situ, aku solat Maghrib/Isyak, makan sikit, beli buah2an sikit, baru PS take over the wheel sampai rumah dia. Sampai rumah aku dah pukul 10.00 malam. Hubby tak ada sebab dia pergi jumpa kakak dan adik dia. Bila dia balik pun aku tak sedar. On TV tapi rasanya TV tu yang tengok aku bukan aku tengok TV pun. Ngantuk sangat, terjaga sekejap masa hubby balik (tapi tak tanya pukul berapa kat hubby macam Kak Yan cerita dia kelentong Hero Tamil dia tu :-) )
Pagi ni dah kembali ke ofis aku. Alhamdulillah aku selamat dalam perjalanan pulang.
Selepas sessi menebeng di kedai mamak dengan Makandeh, Auntie Yan dan Syida pada malam Khamis tu, aku pun di hantar balik oleh MakAndeh ke hotel. Kami hantar Kak Yan dulu, strategi lagi lah tu kan. Nak tunjuk jugak kat famili Kak Yan yang kami ni prihatin kat dia, hantar sampai depan rumah, dengan selamatnya. Dibantu oleh roti canai yang di tapau untuk "upah" buka pintu tu, InsyaAllah lain kali Kak Yan boleh dapat lesen lagi :-) , :-) . Semua suami2 yang mithali perlu bagi sedikit kebebasan kepada isteri2 mereka untuk bersama2 kawan2. A little space to spice up your life. Baru lah isteri2 bersemangat dan lebih sayangkan suami diorang tu. Betul kan puan2 semua? Hehehehe.
Sampai kat hotel, aku fon PS, untuk dia bukak pintu. Nowadays the hotel bagi 1 saja kunci, kesian PS kena bangun buka pintu untuk aku. PS tak ikut kami sebab, dia nak study. Friday dia ada exam.
Dah masuk, aku sambil dok pack up barang2 aku, sambil hantar sms kat sorang kawan tu. Kami ada ajak dia datang menebeng sama, katanya dia ada hal. Agaknya idea menebeng dengan makcik2 bukan satu idea yang memberansangkan dia untuk keluar malam. Aku cuma nak make sure dia OK saja lah.
Tidur pun lewat jugak dah, dekat pukul 1 pagi, seriau jugak takut aku tak terbangun pagi, sebab, aku nak kena check-out awal selepas breakfast. Nak kena sampai ofis sebelum 8.30 pagi sebab dah janji dengan boss nak pergi dengan dia ke tempat meeting tu. Boss aku, dia belum pernah ke tempat meeting tu lagi. Sebenarnya aku nervous jugaklah pergi bersama dengan boss aku tu, walaupun itu adalah satu peluang yang amat di nantikan oleh sesetengah pihak.
Alhamdulillah, terbangun seperti biasa pukul 6.00 pagi bila alarm dari handfon bunyi. Lagipun, suara imam mesjid Petronas KLCC tu amat kuat kedengaran masuk ke bilik aku. Aku bangun, solat, mandi dan siap. Bila dah siap PS dan aku bawak barang turun ke kereta, naik breakfast, check-out dan bertolak ke ofis.
Hubby telefon suruh sembang dengan Angah. Hubby dah beritahu yang Angah nak ke Seremban pagi tu untuk tournament hoki. Macam biasalah, mak nak kena bagi pesan-pesanan untuk anak supaya berhati-hati, jaga diri baik dan sebagainya. Jadi kami berselisih lah, aku nak balik Angah nak turun ke Seremban. Dua minggu Angah kat Seremban tu.
The meeting went well. I didn’t expect it NOT to go well anyway. The only thing is it gives me the impression that I may be retiring earlier than I plan to. Takeovers are sinister tools, but life goes on. It’s a MUST. Just need some planning, back-up plan, contigency plans. Kita merancang, Allah yang tentukan. Aku tawakal sajalah.
Dah sampai balik dari meeting tu, terserempak dengan PS nak pergi lunch dengan another colleague. Suruh dia pergi dan tapau something simple untuk aku. Aku nak check e-mails dan sign documents yang perlu sebelum aku keluar dari ofis. Bila PS balik dari lunch aku dah hampir kebulur dah J . Makan nasi goreng yang dia beli untuk aku, lepas tu pack up untuk bertolak. Masa tu dah pukul 3.00 ptg dah. Cadang nak singgah ke Cyberjaya jenguk Kak Long sebelum pulang.
Sampai kat hostel MMU, aku pinjam towel Kak Long sebab aku nak mandi dan tukar baju. Satu hari ber 3 piece suit, rasa dah rimas. So, aku mandi dan tukar ke jeans dan t-shirt. Segar aku lepas mandi tu, jamak solat kat bilik kak long, dan finally bertolak dari cyberjaya pukul 4.30 ptg. Tengok PS pun letih, dia tidor masa aku drive tu aku drive terus sampai Bukit Gantang. Lagipun hujan sepanjang jalan malas aku nak stop kat Tapah macam selalu tu. Kami stop situ, aku solat Maghrib/Isyak, makan sikit, beli buah2an sikit, baru PS take over the wheel sampai rumah dia. Sampai rumah aku dah pukul 10.00 malam. Hubby tak ada sebab dia pergi jumpa kakak dan adik dia. Bila dia balik pun aku tak sedar. On TV tapi rasanya TV tu yang tengok aku bukan aku tengok TV pun. Ngantuk sangat, terjaga sekejap masa hubby balik (tapi tak tanya pukul berapa kat hubby macam Kak Yan cerita dia kelentong Hero Tamil dia tu :-) )
Pagi ni dah kembali ke ofis aku. Alhamdulillah aku selamat dalam perjalanan pulang.
November 23, 2005
What Am I doing in KL?
I did tell a few people that I would be in KL these few days. Thanks to Dewa many more have come to know about it. I was in KL last week-end ( a week after Raya) because Kak Long was going to start a new semester. I am in KL this week for work related business. We have audits, and meeting with the boss. Tomorrow, thursday, would be my last day in KL. After an important meeting tomorrow morning I and PS will be driving back to Penang.
As usual, when I am on "business" trip, I would not be seing my relatives. I use the opprtunity to meet up with friends. For this trip, I have had a few friends in mind. First when we arrived, PS called up a former colleague. She enticed him to the treat of my rendang ayam. It has been 2 years since we had met him. PS, AK and I were working in the same factory 10 years ago. Althoughh we all have left the company but the friendship has not broken. We keep in touch and once in a while when we (PS and I) are in KL we would call him up for a meal.
At the same time I called Kak Long to find out where she would be. She had smsed me earlier to say that she would be going to watch the Harry Potter's movie. Since she was at the MidValley Megamall, I asked her to come to the hotel, to spend the night there. I would be sending her back to her hostel just in time for her lecture the following morning. She came.
AK came and the 3 of us had such a good gebang session until 11 pm. We were teasing each other, reflecting and reminiscing the past. It was fun. Dewa came in between to claim his rendang ayam. Dewa had been pestering me for the rendang eversince he had a chance to taste a little bit of rendang daging the previous week-end. I gave him only a wee bit of rendang since he professed that he didn't like rendang. I heard he had a good meal with the rendang with his sweetheart. Ye ke adik Dewa oi?
My intention for cooking the rendang is to give someone here in the KL office. She has been helping us with lots of things so I thought I could be just so kind to give her something that is specially prepared from the house.
I had also made a date with a blogger who also work within the area of my KL office. Our meeting schedule was on Tuesday. So early Tuesday, I smsed her to see if the date was still on. She said InsyaAllah. In the evening we set where to meet and I took her back to the hotel. Treat her with the leftover rendang and give her the balance rendang and kari daging to take home. I hope the yamtuan and herself would not be having diarrhea from the food!!!. What amazed me is that she admitted to having called another blogger to find out what type of person I am. I may have been like a "monster" in other people's eyes. I do hope that you, my dear, have found me to be NOT an intimidating person. I am the same in and out of blog.
Tuesday night we didn't go out. MA and 2 of the brood came with the KFC meal. So we lepak in the room and gebang until midnight!!!. If not for the adik who was so very bored being couped up in the room with 2 older ladies yakking (read: sampai tak ingat dunia!!) we wouldn't have stopped. That is MA and me, we both have been good friends since we found each other on the blogging world. Some people think we were "mengayam ketupat", well, no really.
Tonight, PS and I would be going out for a bit of makan nearby and later would come back to lepak at the room. Anybody taking us to teh tarik or something?
After tomorrrow's very important meeting, we will be travelling back to Penang. I hope things will be looking good for me one way or the other as the result of the meeting tomorrow. InsyaAllah.
As usual, when I am on "business" trip, I would not be seing my relatives. I use the opprtunity to meet up with friends. For this trip, I have had a few friends in mind. First when we arrived, PS called up a former colleague. She enticed him to the treat of my rendang ayam. It has been 2 years since we had met him. PS, AK and I were working in the same factory 10 years ago. Althoughh we all have left the company but the friendship has not broken. We keep in touch and once in a while when we (PS and I) are in KL we would call him up for a meal.
At the same time I called Kak Long to find out where she would be. She had smsed me earlier to say that she would be going to watch the Harry Potter's movie. Since she was at the MidValley Megamall, I asked her to come to the hotel, to spend the night there. I would be sending her back to her hostel just in time for her lecture the following morning. She came.
AK came and the 3 of us had such a good gebang session until 11 pm. We were teasing each other, reflecting and reminiscing the past. It was fun. Dewa came in between to claim his rendang ayam. Dewa had been pestering me for the rendang eversince he had a chance to taste a little bit of rendang daging the previous week-end. I gave him only a wee bit of rendang since he professed that he didn't like rendang. I heard he had a good meal with the rendang with his sweetheart. Ye ke adik Dewa oi?
My intention for cooking the rendang is to give someone here in the KL office. She has been helping us with lots of things so I thought I could be just so kind to give her something that is specially prepared from the house.
I had also made a date with a blogger who also work within the area of my KL office. Our meeting schedule was on Tuesday. So early Tuesday, I smsed her to see if the date was still on. She said InsyaAllah. In the evening we set where to meet and I took her back to the hotel. Treat her with the leftover rendang and give her the balance rendang and kari daging to take home. I hope the yamtuan and herself would not be having diarrhea from the food!!!. What amazed me is that she admitted to having called another blogger to find out what type of person I am. I may have been like a "monster" in other people's eyes. I do hope that you, my dear, have found me to be NOT an intimidating person. I am the same in and out of blog.
Tuesday night we didn't go out. MA and 2 of the brood came with the KFC meal. So we lepak in the room and gebang until midnight!!!. If not for the adik who was so very bored being couped up in the room with 2 older ladies yakking (read: sampai tak ingat dunia!!) we wouldn't have stopped. That is MA and me, we both have been good friends since we found each other on the blogging world. Some people think we were "mengayam ketupat", well, no really.
Tonight, PS and I would be going out for a bit of makan nearby and later would come back to lepak at the room. Anybody taking us to teh tarik or something?
After tomorrrow's very important meeting, we will be travelling back to Penang. I hope things will be looking good for me one way or the other as the result of the meeting tomorrow. InsyaAllah.
November 22, 2005
Thank you
Thanks all for the comments in my previous entry.
It is difficult to decide actually whether to get a new maid or not. The decision NOT to get a new maid is also because I do not want to risk getting a maid who is not reliable. I cannot take the risk of coming home to an empty house because the new maid has run away. Noone at home but my mak. My mak will definitely call me if that happened. But between the time I can get a replacement, what would be my action? That is why I have been pondering on what should be the best way for me and my family.
My mak being at my home is a blessing for me. Taking care of her is the responsibility that I will have to do. My mak is not the easiest person to live with. There are times which I would be afraid that I would hurt her thru my actions or words. There are times when I would be angry when my siblings would come to tell her their problems, or she worries about her other grandchildren.
That is her way of showing she loves and care for her family. She has regrets especially about her relationship with my late father, but, that is something I cannot undone. All we can do is offer duas to Allah to bestow HIS blessing and forgiveness to him. Other than that I will try to make her as comfortable as possible and care for her. I am also counting my blessing for giving me the jodoh as good as my husband. For he treats my mak like his own. He showered her with love as though she is her own mother.
I am actually trying to get my new SIL (Shah's wife) who is a housewife to come and sit in during the day at my house. My brother Shah is often not at home. I am not treating my SIL as my maid, I am not even asking her to do my housework for me. She will only to keep my mak company until when I get home, make sure food is served on the table for lunch for my mak. She can eat with mak and get to know her better. At the same time, she can learn some cooking skill from me ehem, ehem. The rest of the house work we will divide within the family. My daughters like Anedra said are all so far are reliable, we have tested them before even when they were younger (when my MIL was staying with us before her death). I know they will be helping me.
Blogging, Insyaallah will not be stopped, I need my sanity as well, hehehe, a place to vent my "frustrations" etc. But then I may not be able to be as active. What better way than to vent them out for the whole world to know right? But that may not be the only reason. Since I started blogging, I seem to have a love for writing. I may not have the skill to write a book but blogging is a way I can express myself.
Just be a little patient with me. I am trying my best to be the "wonder makcik" A career woman, a wife, mom, daughter and a blogger!!!. Is there a place for me to re-charge my energy and super power? :-).
It is difficult to decide actually whether to get a new maid or not. The decision NOT to get a new maid is also because I do not want to risk getting a maid who is not reliable. I cannot take the risk of coming home to an empty house because the new maid has run away. Noone at home but my mak. My mak will definitely call me if that happened. But between the time I can get a replacement, what would be my action? That is why I have been pondering on what should be the best way for me and my family.
My mak being at my home is a blessing for me. Taking care of her is the responsibility that I will have to do. My mak is not the easiest person to live with. There are times which I would be afraid that I would hurt her thru my actions or words. There are times when I would be angry when my siblings would come to tell her their problems, or she worries about her other grandchildren.
That is her way of showing she loves and care for her family. She has regrets especially about her relationship with my late father, but, that is something I cannot undone. All we can do is offer duas to Allah to bestow HIS blessing and forgiveness to him. Other than that I will try to make her as comfortable as possible and care for her. I am also counting my blessing for giving me the jodoh as good as my husband. For he treats my mak like his own. He showered her with love as though she is her own mother.
I am actually trying to get my new SIL (Shah's wife) who is a housewife to come and sit in during the day at my house. My brother Shah is often not at home. I am not treating my SIL as my maid, I am not even asking her to do my housework for me. She will only to keep my mak company until when I get home, make sure food is served on the table for lunch for my mak. She can eat with mak and get to know her better. At the same time, she can learn some cooking skill from me ehem, ehem. The rest of the house work we will divide within the family. My daughters like Anedra said are all so far are reliable, we have tested them before even when they were younger (when my MIL was staying with us before her death). I know they will be helping me.
Blogging, Insyaallah will not be stopped, I need my sanity as well, hehehe, a place to vent my "frustrations" etc. But then I may not be able to be as active. What better way than to vent them out for the whole world to know right? But that may not be the only reason. Since I started blogging, I seem to have a love for writing. I may not have the skill to write a book but blogging is a way I can express myself.
Just be a little patient with me. I am trying my best to be the "wonder makcik" A career woman, a wife, mom, daughter and a blogger!!!. Is there a place for me to re-charge my energy and super power? :-).
November 20, 2005
Why Do I Need A Helper at Home?
My daughters are almost grown up. They are no longer toddlers. Can they wash their won clothes? They can. It is just putting them into the washing machine and later take the clothes to dry. Can they iron their own cloths, they can. In fact that’s what they are doing right now. My maid usually do the washing, folding and iron their school uniforms. When we had a lapse of time without maid, they ironed their own uniform as well. Kak Long is in the univ., so 1 person less to take care off. So why DO I need a maid?
Cooking. I do most of the cooking anyway. Bibik cooks only during the day time when to feed the girls and mak. But if we have no maid, can my girls cook? Well, they can do simple cooking. They can cook the rice, they can re-heat the food without burning the kitchen or hurt themselves. They can fry eggs on their own. They can do simple dishes on their own. They can cook their own maggi mee if they want to. Can I trust them to cook on their own, without an adult supervision?. So far I can, it was proven that they could do it when they were younger. When we had no maid, the time when bibik went home and we thought that we may not want another maid, my daughters reheat the food for berbuka during Ramadhan, cook the rice, and set the table. During the recent Ramadhan they were there to help out in the kitchen for the whole month. So, again WHY do I need a maid?
Cleaning of the house. This part the girls are a bit lazy. But they will not talk back if hubby instruct them to do anything. A little delayed reaction when I asked them to do but still will after the instruction gets a higher tone of voice. They are asked to clean the toilets too when necessary. Only that, there will be lots of work for me after office. My house will be a little topsy turvy, but not that bad. Hubby helps around the house. He does a lot of cleaning and sweeping too. I am not at all alone in doing the housework. In fact most of the tidy up of the house it had become hubby’s work eventhough we have a maid. So, why do I need a maid?
Am I just plain lazy or a show off? Without a maid my life would not be as easy as now. Lots of work are done by the maid. Without a maid, we have more privacy, much easier to go anywhere without having to consider whether she needs to stay home or follow us.
The real reason is because my mak is staying with us. When the girls go to school there will be no one left at home. Mak although not bedridden but she has difficulty to walk. We need to have someone at home all the time. She cannot cook for herself now. At her age she is prone to falling down and hurt herself. She has fallen a few times before. At one time at the cost of her left arm.
That is the main reason why I need to have a maid. As long as my mak is at home living with us, I need to have someone at home all the time. Unless I am prepared to stop work and be a full time housewife.
Bibik’s visa is expiring end November. She is going home. I am considering options, like getting another maid or getting a local person to come on a daily basis to help look after mak. Most likely we are opting for the second options. That way if we have to travel mak can always follow us.
Another thing for sure, I will later find myself having less time to be on the net. With the work and the housework, I may be too tired to even switch on the PC. I will try not to abandon the blog, but, if you all do not see me frequenting your blogs or updating mine, please forgive me. My family comes first before the blog. I will miss a lot of blogs and a lot of people. Will try my best still to keep in touch.
Cooking. I do most of the cooking anyway. Bibik cooks only during the day time when to feed the girls and mak. But if we have no maid, can my girls cook? Well, they can do simple cooking. They can cook the rice, they can re-heat the food without burning the kitchen or hurt themselves. They can fry eggs on their own. They can do simple dishes on their own. They can cook their own maggi mee if they want to. Can I trust them to cook on their own, without an adult supervision?. So far I can, it was proven that they could do it when they were younger. When we had no maid, the time when bibik went home and we thought that we may not want another maid, my daughters reheat the food for berbuka during Ramadhan, cook the rice, and set the table. During the recent Ramadhan they were there to help out in the kitchen for the whole month. So, again WHY do I need a maid?
Cleaning of the house. This part the girls are a bit lazy. But they will not talk back if hubby instruct them to do anything. A little delayed reaction when I asked them to do but still will after the instruction gets a higher tone of voice. They are asked to clean the toilets too when necessary. Only that, there will be lots of work for me after office. My house will be a little topsy turvy, but not that bad. Hubby helps around the house. He does a lot of cleaning and sweeping too. I am not at all alone in doing the housework. In fact most of the tidy up of the house it had become hubby’s work eventhough we have a maid. So, why do I need a maid?
Am I just plain lazy or a show off? Without a maid my life would not be as easy as now. Lots of work are done by the maid. Without a maid, we have more privacy, much easier to go anywhere without having to consider whether she needs to stay home or follow us.
The real reason is because my mak is staying with us. When the girls go to school there will be no one left at home. Mak although not bedridden but she has difficulty to walk. We need to have someone at home all the time. She cannot cook for herself now. At her age she is prone to falling down and hurt herself. She has fallen a few times before. At one time at the cost of her left arm.
That is the main reason why I need to have a maid. As long as my mak is at home living with us, I need to have someone at home all the time. Unless I am prepared to stop work and be a full time housewife.
Bibik’s visa is expiring end November. She is going home. I am considering options, like getting another maid or getting a local person to come on a daily basis to help look after mak. Most likely we are opting for the second options. That way if we have to travel mak can always follow us.
Another thing for sure, I will later find myself having less time to be on the net. With the work and the housework, I may be too tired to even switch on the PC. I will try not to abandon the blog, but, if you all do not see me frequenting your blogs or updating mine, please forgive me. My family comes first before the blog. I will miss a lot of blogs and a lot of people. Will try my best still to keep in touch.
November 18, 2005
Habis dah rasanya cerita raya ni. Let's move on.
I have been lucky so far with bibik. In fact from the day I decided to have a maid, way back in 1993, bibik is the ONLY Indon maid that I have. She has been with us since then. She went back to Indonesia on 2 (1 year each time) occasions and always decided that she wasn’t going to come back to Malaysia. And yet due to the inability to make ends meet, she returned. The first time she came to Malaysia, Suwarti from Jawa Tengah (Jateng) left her kampung without the knowledge of her husband. Her husband was working in Jakarta which is like 700 KM from her kampung. He would come back to the village once in the blue moon, and between that there would be no mews. When she was left to take care of 5 sons, and when there was a chance for her to come to Malaysia, she boarded a ferry to Medan and then to Malaysia. She came through an agent and a lady took her in as their maid.
After 10 months of working for the lady, Puan J decided to take the early retirement option from her company. Her children were already growing up so she NO longer need a maid. Through her friend (who happenes to be hubby’s cousin) we got to know of this. We decided to take in Suwarti as our maid. She prooves to be a reliable maid, she will do the work without me having to say what need to be done. My daughters called her makcik and have NEVER refered to her as our maid. She is treated like one of the family. My youngest daughter is spoilt by her, she refers to Syia as her own daughter. This is because she took care of Syia since the day Syia was born. She "kendung" Syia (Indon style) when she was doing her work around the house. We had to keep one of her sarung when she went back home the first time. Syia was too small to tell. The second tine went home it was a period of 1 year. Her husband passed away when she was at home.
Tried many things to support the family, even sold off a piece of land for that purpose. In the end she decided to come back to Malaysia. This time around she didn’t contact us, she contacted Puan J again. Although Puan J has no necessity for a maid, she still took her in out of kindness of her heart. After 1 year, Puan J again asked us whether we want to have her again. After 2 years of no maid, we could survive, but Syia was always asking if she could come back, and we feel that we can afford to have her stay in with us again. So we obliged her. We took in Suwarti again.
I guessed she is so good, that my SIL (kak Maz ) was eyeing her to take care of her 3rd son’s child. Kak Maz mentioned it to me before, that if ever I decide that I no longer want to have a maid at home, to pass Suwarti to her son. I told her the reason why I still need to maintain a maid for the time being. I thought it had settled. But again when we were in Sungai Petani visiting the second SIL (Kak Fadz), Kak Maz’s eldest son mentioned to his sister-in-law to ask me for my maid. So I posted some questions to HM (Kak Maz’s the eldest son) to clarify why I need a maid still right now. I then told Kak Maz’s daughter-in-law to tell her how to get a maid. Their fear is whether they could get a good maid. You hear nasty things happened in the papers on how some maid just abandoned or kidnaped or injured the children. Getting someone they know and they can trust, would definitely be a plus point. They have also by the way treat my maid as part of our family. Some of them even give her duit raya.
Told her that I can recommend 2 reliable agents who so far I have seen have got good records. One is the one I am dealing with for Suwarti, the other one is the one PS (my colleague) is using. PS mother has diemntia, so need proper taken care of, so far she has got 3 maids over the period of 6 years. And they are all reliable. Getting a good maid is a gamble but, when there is a we need to get one. The other thing is when we a have a maid, we have them like part of our family, not like a maid. I have seen maids being treated like animals before, which we have no heart to do. We treat her like a family, she eats with us most of the time not seperately in the kitchen or only eat certain food reserved for her. She has the freedom to move and if she
wants to visit Puan J I will usually send and fetch her.
I have been blessed with my bibik so far. She has indicated recently that she wants to go home. Asked her whether she would want to come back, she said probably NOT, since her mak is old and cannot take care of her sons anymore. Do I have to look for another maid?
I have been lucky so far with bibik. In fact from the day I decided to have a maid, way back in 1993, bibik is the ONLY Indon maid that I have. She has been with us since then. She went back to Indonesia on 2 (1 year each time) occasions and always decided that she wasn’t going to come back to Malaysia. And yet due to the inability to make ends meet, she returned. The first time she came to Malaysia, Suwarti from Jawa Tengah (Jateng) left her kampung without the knowledge of her husband. Her husband was working in Jakarta which is like 700 KM from her kampung. He would come back to the village once in the blue moon, and between that there would be no mews. When she was left to take care of 5 sons, and when there was a chance for her to come to Malaysia, she boarded a ferry to Medan and then to Malaysia. She came through an agent and a lady took her in as their maid.
After 10 months of working for the lady, Puan J decided to take the early retirement option from her company. Her children were already growing up so she NO longer need a maid. Through her friend (who happenes to be hubby’s cousin) we got to know of this. We decided to take in Suwarti as our maid. She prooves to be a reliable maid, she will do the work without me having to say what need to be done. My daughters called her makcik and have NEVER refered to her as our maid. She is treated like one of the family. My youngest daughter is spoilt by her, she refers to Syia as her own daughter. This is because she took care of Syia since the day Syia was born. She "kendung" Syia (Indon style) when she was doing her work around the house. We had to keep one of her sarung when she went back home the first time. Syia was too small to tell. The second tine went home it was a period of 1 year. Her husband passed away when she was at home.
Tried many things to support the family, even sold off a piece of land for that purpose. In the end she decided to come back to Malaysia. This time around she didn’t contact us, she contacted Puan J again. Although Puan J has no necessity for a maid, she still took her in out of kindness of her heart. After 1 year, Puan J again asked us whether we want to have her again. After 2 years of no maid, we could survive, but Syia was always asking if she could come back, and we feel that we can afford to have her stay in with us again. So we obliged her. We took in Suwarti again.
I guessed she is so good, that my SIL (kak Maz ) was eyeing her to take care of her 3rd son’s child. Kak Maz mentioned it to me before, that if ever I decide that I no longer want to have a maid at home, to pass Suwarti to her son. I told her the reason why I still need to maintain a maid for the time being. I thought it had settled. But again when we were in Sungai Petani visiting the second SIL (Kak Fadz), Kak Maz’s eldest son mentioned to his sister-in-law to ask me for my maid. So I posted some questions to HM (Kak Maz’s the eldest son) to clarify why I need a maid still right now. I then told Kak Maz’s daughter-in-law to tell her how to get a maid. Their fear is whether they could get a good maid. You hear nasty things happened in the papers on how some maid just abandoned or kidnaped or injured the children. Getting someone they know and they can trust, would definitely be a plus point. They have also by the way treat my maid as part of our family. Some of them even give her duit raya.
Told her that I can recommend 2 reliable agents who so far I have seen have got good records. One is the one I am dealing with for Suwarti, the other one is the one PS (my colleague) is using. PS mother has diemntia, so need proper taken care of, so far she has got 3 maids over the period of 6 years. And they are all reliable. Getting a good maid is a gamble but, when there is a we need to get one. The other thing is when we a have a maid, we have them like part of our family, not like a maid. I have seen maids being treated like animals before, which we have no heart to do. We treat her like a family, she eats with us most of the time not seperately in the kitchen or only eat certain food reserved for her. She has the freedom to move and if she
wants to visit Puan J I will usually send and fetch her.
I have been blessed with my bibik so far. She has indicated recently that she wants to go home. Asked her whether she would want to come back, she said probably NOT, since her mak is old and cannot take care of her sons anymore. Do I have to look for another maid?
November 16, 2005
Gambar2 Raya Di Rumah AuntyN
Ni lah gambar2 masa raya baru ni. Sorry lah lambat sikit. Baru2 ni banyak pulak kerjanya. Anyway, it's better late than never right? Enjoy it OK. I am NOT responsible for all the drools that drop onto your keyboard OK... See these at your own risk OK hehehehe.......

Banyaknya makanan tu....

Beratur dok tunggu char koay teow tu. Sedaaaappp!!

My mak enjoying the BBQ.

Laaa, tak dan tukar seluar dah adik aku ni!!!!, Lapaq sangat dah ka ni? Isyy, isyy, isyy.

Cewah baju raya makcik dan pakcik tergantung ready untuk di pakai tu, hehehe..

Ketupat daun palas nak makan dengan rendang ni, sedapnya!!!

Nasi impit baru di rebus, sempat ke tu?

Rendang sebelanga boleh habis ke ni? Sapa kata tak habis? 2 hari dah habis licin, hehehe.

Banyaknya makanan tu....

Beratur dok tunggu char koay teow tu. Sedaaaappp!!

My mak enjoying the BBQ.

Laaa, tak dan tukar seluar dah adik aku ni!!!!, Lapaq sangat dah ka ni? Isyy, isyy, isyy.

Cewah baju raya makcik dan pakcik tergantung ready untuk di pakai tu, hehehe..

Ketupat daun palas nak makan dengan rendang ni, sedapnya!!!

Nasi impit baru di rebus, sempat ke tu?

Rendang sebelanga boleh habis ke ni? Sapa kata tak habis? 2 hari dah habis licin, hehehe.
November 15, 2005
Dah Lama Tak Update Blog Ni
Dah seminggu dah ni aku tak update blog ni. dah seminggu dah rasanya. Rasanya tak pernah sampai lama macam ni kan. Rasa gian dah ni. Ada dua cerita dah aku tulis tapi tak sempat nak update lagi ni. Sibuk sangat ni. Gambar2 BBQ hari tu pun belum upload lagi. So sampai I can really update with a write up, I will leave you all with this picture.

November 09, 2005
BBQ ni idea abang aku yang no 3. Abang Lang dari Shah Alam tu. Dua tiga hari sebelum raya aku telefon dia nak tanya bila dia nak balik, dia pun suggest kami buat BBQ malam raya kedua (hari raya pertama, pada malam harinya tu). Masa tu abang long pun ada kat rumah so we all agree sajalah.
Sepanjang ingatan aku, kami 8 beradik tak berapa rapat masa kecik dulu. 3 orang abang-abang aku diorang rapat jugak sesama diorang masa zaman sekolah dulu. Abang Lang pernah tinggal dengan Abang Long di Kelantan suatu masa dulu. Masa tu abang lang sekolah private dan abang long yang tanggung dia tu. Abang Long kerja dah. Walaupun dia agak cerdik jugak tapi ayah suruh abang long sara adik2 belajar, tak jadi dia nak ke Univ. pun. Abang Ngah kerja kat KL masa tu.
Aku kat sekolah berasrama penuh, jadi lagi tak rapat dengan adik beradik. Kakak M kerja kat KL dan adik S pun sekolah asrama kat Penang. Pada mula2 abang lang kerja dulu di KL tu dia pernah jugak tinggal serumah dengan kak M (No 4 dalam famili). Tapi diaorang ni dari kecik memang suka bertelagah. Kami adik2 selalu tengok diorang kelahi bertarik2 rambut masa kecik2 dulu. Ada saja yang boleh buat diorang kelahi. Nasib masa duduk serumah tu tak kelahi pulak. Masa tu kak M dah kawin, abang lang baru nak mula kerja, single lagi.
Tahun lepas, masa ayah sakit, kami adik-beradik makin rapat. Terutama, abang long, abang lang, aku, adik S dan adik bongsu kami H. Kami yang selalu bincang semua perkara tentang penyakit ayah. Abang lang banyak sumbang duit (he is the most successful in terms of career). Yang lain2 tu gitu2 lah sumbangan tu. Abang ngah, kak M dan Shah tak berapa peduli sangat. Cuma bila tercetus peristiwa pahit antara mak dan ayah lebih kurang sebulan sebelum ayah meninggal tu, kami "tarik" semua adik beradik datang rumah aku buat re-union untuk cuba elokkan keadaan. Lepas kejadian tu kami dah agak rapat. It takes a tragedy to get us close. Tambah pulak rumah aku dah jadi macam center untuk semua aktiviti keluarga. Jadi tak hiaranlah kalau BBQ dibuat kat rumah aku.
BBQ ni pun kami buat tujuan nak eratkan silaturrahim antara adik-beradik. Bukan senang nak bersama kalau hari2 lain tu. Banyak komitment masing2, masalah2 keluarga dan kerja. Jadi bila buat macam tu semua ada helah untuk berkumpul. Bukan saja keluarga sebelah aku yang datang tapi sebelah hubby jugak.
Menu BBQ kami pada malam raya kedua dan ketiga tu, kami prepare sendiri. Adik beradik aku sumbang sikit sebanyak bahan2 tu. 15 ekor ayam untuk BBQ 2 malam dari adik hubby (dia berniaga ayam), abang lang beli bahan2 char koey teow (4 kg udang, koay teow, taugeh, kucai, dan sebagai). Shah buat campuran bahan nak buat char kaoy teow (kicap, cili, minyak) dan dia lah jadi tukang masak char koay teow malam tu. Wah sedap betul char koay teow dia tu. Kalah yang sebelah Alkaria kat BM tu atau pun kat Seberang Jaya tu. Mestilah kan, sebab yang ni kita buat untuk makan bukan commercial. Malam kedua tu hubby dapat cari kerang. Lagi terangkat, you all tau, hehehe. Sorry lah ekk…kalau keyboard tu banjir.
H dan isteri dia, buat kuah/sos BBQ untuk cicah ayam, ikan, udang sotong etc. Ayam dan ikan pari dan ikan kembung aku dah marinate pakai BBQ sos Knorr perisa Tradisional dan Hot and spicy. Ada tambahan menu untuk 2nd night, Ubi kentang, ubi keledek, sotong celur, franfurters (sumbangan adik S), daging lembu (from me and sirlion from H). Hubby pun beli lamb yang dah di marinate dari Carrefour. Lamb ni last sekali baru di keluarkan sebab stock terhad. Mula tu ada yang takut nak makan lamb (kambing lah kononnya, panaslah, takut darah naik lah). Tapi bila dah di potong kecil2, aku cuma dapat a small piece saja. Dapat jugak rasa tu…
Selain dari tu kami tambah jugak dengan coselaw yang aku suruh anak teruna kedua abang lang Naim gaulkan. Dia ni belajar nak jadi chef. Bila aku suruh dia buat tu selamba je dia buat kerja, potong memotong kobis, karot di kelilingi oleh cousin2 yang pompuan. Tak nampak dia ni malu macam abang dia tu. Mulut pun bising jugak dok seloroh dengan cousins dia tu. Bila orang puji coselaw dia sedap senyum lebar dia tu.
Bila dah nampak meriah dan seronok sangat BBQ malam pertama .Hubby dok ajak sambung malam ketiga pulak. Kata dia bahan2 banyak lagi, arang pun banyak lagi. Abang2 aku OK sajalah. Adik beradik semua datang kecuali Abang Ngah (dia pulang dari umrah pada hari raya kedua) dan Kak M serta family diorang. Kami dah ajak tapi kata kak M dia nak balik ke rumah mentua dia pulak, walaupun dia ada datang pada petang raya pertama, tapi tak tunggu sampai malam. Tengoklah nanti tahun depan kalau ada umur lagi.
Hubby’s side, Kak Maz dan anak2, Kak Z dan suami, adik hubby (tokey ayam) datang dua2 malam. Malam BBQ 2 tu anak2 aku jemput kawan2 diorang jugak, lagilah ramai. Mungkin pada orang lain BBQ ni dah jadi tradisi tahunan. Tapi kami baru nak mula. It’s better late than never kan. Lepas semua dah habis, apa lagi tuan rumah lah yang kepenatan nak menyimpan dan sebagai. Nasib baik ramai jugak yang menolong cuma all the finishing touches saja yang kena buat sendiri tu.
Gambar2, nantilah aku bubuh kemudian OK.
Sepanjang ingatan aku, kami 8 beradik tak berapa rapat masa kecik dulu. 3 orang abang-abang aku diorang rapat jugak sesama diorang masa zaman sekolah dulu. Abang Lang pernah tinggal dengan Abang Long di Kelantan suatu masa dulu. Masa tu abang lang sekolah private dan abang long yang tanggung dia tu. Abang Long kerja dah. Walaupun dia agak cerdik jugak tapi ayah suruh abang long sara adik2 belajar, tak jadi dia nak ke Univ. pun. Abang Ngah kerja kat KL masa tu.
Aku kat sekolah berasrama penuh, jadi lagi tak rapat dengan adik beradik. Kakak M kerja kat KL dan adik S pun sekolah asrama kat Penang. Pada mula2 abang lang kerja dulu di KL tu dia pernah jugak tinggal serumah dengan kak M (No 4 dalam famili). Tapi diaorang ni dari kecik memang suka bertelagah. Kami adik2 selalu tengok diorang kelahi bertarik2 rambut masa kecik2 dulu. Ada saja yang boleh buat diorang kelahi. Nasib masa duduk serumah tu tak kelahi pulak. Masa tu kak M dah kawin, abang lang baru nak mula kerja, single lagi.
Tahun lepas, masa ayah sakit, kami adik-beradik makin rapat. Terutama, abang long, abang lang, aku, adik S dan adik bongsu kami H. Kami yang selalu bincang semua perkara tentang penyakit ayah. Abang lang banyak sumbang duit (he is the most successful in terms of career). Yang lain2 tu gitu2 lah sumbangan tu. Abang ngah, kak M dan Shah tak berapa peduli sangat. Cuma bila tercetus peristiwa pahit antara mak dan ayah lebih kurang sebulan sebelum ayah meninggal tu, kami "tarik" semua adik beradik datang rumah aku buat re-union untuk cuba elokkan keadaan. Lepas kejadian tu kami dah agak rapat. It takes a tragedy to get us close. Tambah pulak rumah aku dah jadi macam center untuk semua aktiviti keluarga. Jadi tak hiaranlah kalau BBQ dibuat kat rumah aku.
BBQ ni pun kami buat tujuan nak eratkan silaturrahim antara adik-beradik. Bukan senang nak bersama kalau hari2 lain tu. Banyak komitment masing2, masalah2 keluarga dan kerja. Jadi bila buat macam tu semua ada helah untuk berkumpul. Bukan saja keluarga sebelah aku yang datang tapi sebelah hubby jugak.
Menu BBQ kami pada malam raya kedua dan ketiga tu, kami prepare sendiri. Adik beradik aku sumbang sikit sebanyak bahan2 tu. 15 ekor ayam untuk BBQ 2 malam dari adik hubby (dia berniaga ayam), abang lang beli bahan2 char koey teow (4 kg udang, koay teow, taugeh, kucai, dan sebagai). Shah buat campuran bahan nak buat char kaoy teow (kicap, cili, minyak) dan dia lah jadi tukang masak char koay teow malam tu. Wah sedap betul char koay teow dia tu. Kalah yang sebelah Alkaria kat BM tu atau pun kat Seberang Jaya tu. Mestilah kan, sebab yang ni kita buat untuk makan bukan commercial. Malam kedua tu hubby dapat cari kerang. Lagi terangkat, you all tau, hehehe. Sorry lah ekk…kalau keyboard tu banjir.
H dan isteri dia, buat kuah/sos BBQ untuk cicah ayam, ikan, udang sotong etc. Ayam dan ikan pari dan ikan kembung aku dah marinate pakai BBQ sos Knorr perisa Tradisional dan Hot and spicy. Ada tambahan menu untuk 2nd night, Ubi kentang, ubi keledek, sotong celur, franfurters (sumbangan adik S), daging lembu (from me and sirlion from H). Hubby pun beli lamb yang dah di marinate dari Carrefour. Lamb ni last sekali baru di keluarkan sebab stock terhad. Mula tu ada yang takut nak makan lamb (kambing lah kononnya, panaslah, takut darah naik lah). Tapi bila dah di potong kecil2, aku cuma dapat a small piece saja. Dapat jugak rasa tu…
Selain dari tu kami tambah jugak dengan coselaw yang aku suruh anak teruna kedua abang lang Naim gaulkan. Dia ni belajar nak jadi chef. Bila aku suruh dia buat tu selamba je dia buat kerja, potong memotong kobis, karot di kelilingi oleh cousin2 yang pompuan. Tak nampak dia ni malu macam abang dia tu. Mulut pun bising jugak dok seloroh dengan cousins dia tu. Bila orang puji coselaw dia sedap senyum lebar dia tu.
Bila dah nampak meriah dan seronok sangat BBQ malam pertama .Hubby dok ajak sambung malam ketiga pulak. Kata dia bahan2 banyak lagi, arang pun banyak lagi. Abang2 aku OK sajalah. Adik beradik semua datang kecuali Abang Ngah (dia pulang dari umrah pada hari raya kedua) dan Kak M serta family diorang. Kami dah ajak tapi kata kak M dia nak balik ke rumah mentua dia pulak, walaupun dia ada datang pada petang raya pertama, tapi tak tunggu sampai malam. Tengoklah nanti tahun depan kalau ada umur lagi.
Hubby’s side, Kak Maz dan anak2, Kak Z dan suami, adik hubby (tokey ayam) datang dua2 malam. Malam BBQ 2 tu anak2 aku jemput kawan2 diorang jugak, lagilah ramai. Mungkin pada orang lain BBQ ni dah jadi tradisi tahunan. Tapi kami baru nak mula. It’s better late than never kan. Lepas semua dah habis, apa lagi tuan rumah lah yang kepenatan nak menyimpan dan sebagai. Nasib baik ramai jugak yang menolong cuma all the finishing touches saja yang kena buat sendiri tu.
Gambar2, nantilah aku bubuh kemudian OK.
November 07, 2005
After Raya Blues
Today is monday, supposedly we (hubby and I should be going to work). So why am I still typing this entry?. Gian agaknya ni kut, hehehe. Not exactly, hubby has already gone to work. Last night when asked whether he would be going to work this morning he said most likely no. "Malas" was his answer. But this morning when I asked again he said yes he is going. So, I had to ironed his clothes this morning for him to go to work. Why didn't do last night?
Yesterday, after days of "memerap" at home, hubby and his siblings planned to visit their parents graves. You all will asking why we didn't go on the first day right? This is why. My MIL passed away in 2001, she was laid to rest in Butterworth. FIL passed away more than 20 years ago, I didn't have the pleasure of knowing him. I think he passed away when I and hubby were in USM, he was laid to rest in Penaga. They are about 10 KM apart. If we (hubby and I ) visited the graves on the first day, we would not be in time to come back to our house before the house guests strated to arrive. So we convoyed 3 cars (hubby's MPV, mine and BIL's). Meeting place was at BIL's, which is former MIL's home in Butterworth. See, that's why I had no problem about where to spend raya each year. Our houses are not too far away, within the same state.
Planned was to move out from BIL's house at 9.00 am. When my family arrived at BIL's home, we were told that the eldest SIL (Kak Maz) was having stomach problem. We had to wait for her to arrive from her son's house in Bayan Baru. When they finaaly arrived, there were 2 other cars arrived at the same time. Hubby's old neighbours and childhood friend arrived. Had to layan of course, sopan santun budaya Melayu, sure kena layan kan. Finally after they left we were out of the house. It was already nearly 12.00 noon. When we arrived at MIL's grave, lucky for us the whether was not very hot, we said our prayers, sprinkled water on the graves and "tabur" flower petals on the graves of MIL and her other family members.
Next we moved to Penaga. Arrived at the graves almost 1.00 pm. Repeat the same thing and left for the cousin's house nearby. Hubby's cousin had prepared lunch for us. Nasi daging, with daging rebus cicah air asam, yummy ekk? We stayed there until about 3.00 pm and then off to Sungai Petani, to hubby's 2nd sister who has just received a new cucu. Stayed the rest of the afternoon there. On the way home, we took hubby's eldest and 3rd sisters and their family to our house first. It was late at night before hubby send them back to BIL's place.
Hubby this morning, could not find his specs. He said he had it in his pocket just before he went out of the door. He came in and out of the house, 3 times still we could not find the specs. I helped to find as well, traced his steps to the kitchen because he said he went there just now. After the 3rd trip into the house, I finally located his specs for him. It was in the dustbin, near the toilet door. It was there amongst the tissues and papers which I had put in a plastic bag before I took out the garbage. How come it's there? He dropped it when he bent down to take his shoes.
Me, since I woke up, I had been to the small room 6 times already. It is entirely my fault. Since I had been eating so much food, last night before I went to sleep I took a glass of Phyto fiber to help me cleanse off my system. So that's what happened. I called the office, to tell them I'll be late. I just want to be sure, I don't drive with an awful urge to go to the toilet.
Most of you all are already back at work by today, routine will set in pretty soon.
Have a GOOD monday everyone.
Yesterday, after days of "memerap" at home, hubby and his siblings planned to visit their parents graves. You all will asking why we didn't go on the first day right? This is why. My MIL passed away in 2001, she was laid to rest in Butterworth. FIL passed away more than 20 years ago, I didn't have the pleasure of knowing him. I think he passed away when I and hubby were in USM, he was laid to rest in Penaga. They are about 10 KM apart. If we (hubby and I ) visited the graves on the first day, we would not be in time to come back to our house before the house guests strated to arrive. So we convoyed 3 cars (hubby's MPV, mine and BIL's). Meeting place was at BIL's, which is former MIL's home in Butterworth. See, that's why I had no problem about where to spend raya each year. Our houses are not too far away, within the same state.
Planned was to move out from BIL's house at 9.00 am. When my family arrived at BIL's home, we were told that the eldest SIL (Kak Maz) was having stomach problem. We had to wait for her to arrive from her son's house in Bayan Baru. When they finaaly arrived, there were 2 other cars arrived at the same time. Hubby's old neighbours and childhood friend arrived. Had to layan of course, sopan santun budaya Melayu, sure kena layan kan. Finally after they left we were out of the house. It was already nearly 12.00 noon. When we arrived at MIL's grave, lucky for us the whether was not very hot, we said our prayers, sprinkled water on the graves and "tabur" flower petals on the graves of MIL and her other family members.
Next we moved to Penaga. Arrived at the graves almost 1.00 pm. Repeat the same thing and left for the cousin's house nearby. Hubby's cousin had prepared lunch for us. Nasi daging, with daging rebus cicah air asam, yummy ekk? We stayed there until about 3.00 pm and then off to Sungai Petani, to hubby's 2nd sister who has just received a new cucu. Stayed the rest of the afternoon there. On the way home, we took hubby's eldest and 3rd sisters and their family to our house first. It was late at night before hubby send them back to BIL's place.
Hubby this morning, could not find his specs. He said he had it in his pocket just before he went out of the door. He came in and out of the house, 3 times still we could not find the specs. I helped to find as well, traced his steps to the kitchen because he said he went there just now. After the 3rd trip into the house, I finally located his specs for him. It was in the dustbin, near the toilet door. It was there amongst the tissues and papers which I had put in a plastic bag before I took out the garbage. How come it's there? He dropped it when he bent down to take his shoes.
Me, since I woke up, I had been to the small room 6 times already. It is entirely my fault. Since I had been eating so much food, last night before I went to sleep I took a glass of Phyto fiber to help me cleanse off my system. So that's what happened. I called the office, to tell them I'll be late. I just want to be sure, I don't drive with an awful urge to go to the toilet.
Most of you all are already back at work by today, routine will set in pretty soon.
Have a GOOD monday everyone.
November 04, 2005
Syoknya Raya
Hari ni dah raya kedua. Badan aku pun terasa macam nak demam je dah. Manalah tak nya. Dua tiga malam dah tak cukup tidur. Malam 28 Ramadhan aku tak tidor sampai sahur, sebab aku buat rendang daging dan rebus nasi impit. Jadi dah tak tidur (sedangkan orang lain read : hubby, bedengkur kat atas sofa, aku pun sambil masak rendang, sambil berinternet. Sekali sekal jenguk kat dapur tengok rendang, sambil dok YM dengan sesorang yang juga tak tidur malam. Hubby memang dah flat habis kerana dia yang buat marketing dan segala2nya yang fizikal.
Kak Long pun tak tidur bersama Farah. Diorang asyik jugak mengadap PC, tapi entah apa yang diorang baca. Aku sambil ber YM sambil dok masuk blog kawan2 hantar greeting Selamat Hari Raya. Itupun tak habis sebab banyak sangat. Harap2 lepas ni sebab Syawal masih ada aku akan cuba habiskan. Begitu juga dengan SMS ucapan yang di terima, tak sempat semuanya aku balas. Nanti InsyaAllah aku balas. Terimakasih semuanya.
Aku memasak, ada orang tu tengah melukis sampai tak tidur. Rezeki murah tu, dapat tempahan melukis dengan banyak tu. Syukurlah pada rezeki yang di terima tu kan. Kata dia dah dua malam tak tidur. Caya lah tu, tapi yang aku tahu dia memang tak tidur malam, dia tidur siang, hehehe. So we keep each other awake through YM. Sembang itu ini sampai pukul 3 pagi tu.
Lepas sahur aku pun tidur lah. Kata kat hubby nak ikut pergi Carrefour, tapi bila hubby balik dari pasar, aku masih di atas katil so dia tak nak tunggu dah dia terus pergi sorang. Sian dia, penat lagi. Banyak benda nak beli sebab kami nak buat barbeque raya tu kan.
Bila aku bangun, aku mula masak juadah yang lain, kuah kacang dan juadah nak berbuka di hari akhir Ramadhan tu. Malam aku masak lagi sampai tidur agaknya 2 jam saja. Bila hubby kata kuah lodeh dah mendidih aku bangun nak masukkan sayur2, dah terdengar bunyi azan subuh. Ayam pun BIL hantar lambat. dah malam dah so aku terpaksa masak malam juga. Selain tu aku marinate ayam untuk barbeque malam esoknya.
Pagi raya, bangun, mandi sunat aidilfitri, aku masak nasi minyak lah macam selalu. Yang aku puas tu semua lauk pauk menjadi pulak. Tak lah terasa penat sangat tu sebab semua makan kata sedap, hehehe, kembang aku dapat pujian tu. Hari raya tahun ini tak macam tahun lepas, paginya tak ramai yang datang. Agaknya sebab kami kata nak buat BBQ tu jadi adik beradik datang petang semuanya. Hubby's sisters pun balik dari KL semalam jugak tak macam tahun lepas sehari sebelum raya. Petang sampai malam baru rumah aku meriah sangat. Dah asyik dok buat kerja dapur baju raya pun aku sempat pakai sekejap saja. Yang lain tu T-shirt dengan kain batik sebab nak mengadap dapur, dan kemudiannya T-shirt dengan jeans pada malamnya.
Dah habis sehari Syawal dah...
Next entry BBQ malam raya 1 dan malam raya 2 ( Dah seronok buat BBQ first night, abang2 dan hubby plan nak sambung lagi semalam) Malam ni agaknya lagi banyak menu BBQ tu. Nanti aku cerita OK........
Kak Long pun tak tidur bersama Farah. Diorang asyik jugak mengadap PC, tapi entah apa yang diorang baca. Aku sambil ber YM sambil dok masuk blog kawan2 hantar greeting Selamat Hari Raya. Itupun tak habis sebab banyak sangat. Harap2 lepas ni sebab Syawal masih ada aku akan cuba habiskan. Begitu juga dengan SMS ucapan yang di terima, tak sempat semuanya aku balas. Nanti InsyaAllah aku balas. Terimakasih semuanya.
Aku memasak, ada orang tu tengah melukis sampai tak tidur. Rezeki murah tu, dapat tempahan melukis dengan banyak tu. Syukurlah pada rezeki yang di terima tu kan. Kata dia dah dua malam tak tidur. Caya lah tu, tapi yang aku tahu dia memang tak tidur malam, dia tidur siang, hehehe. So we keep each other awake through YM. Sembang itu ini sampai pukul 3 pagi tu.
Lepas sahur aku pun tidur lah. Kata kat hubby nak ikut pergi Carrefour, tapi bila hubby balik dari pasar, aku masih di atas katil so dia tak nak tunggu dah dia terus pergi sorang. Sian dia, penat lagi. Banyak benda nak beli sebab kami nak buat barbeque raya tu kan.
Bila aku bangun, aku mula masak juadah yang lain, kuah kacang dan juadah nak berbuka di hari akhir Ramadhan tu. Malam aku masak lagi sampai tidur agaknya 2 jam saja. Bila hubby kata kuah lodeh dah mendidih aku bangun nak masukkan sayur2, dah terdengar bunyi azan subuh. Ayam pun BIL hantar lambat. dah malam dah so aku terpaksa masak malam juga. Selain tu aku marinate ayam untuk barbeque malam esoknya.
Pagi raya, bangun, mandi sunat aidilfitri, aku masak nasi minyak lah macam selalu. Yang aku puas tu semua lauk pauk menjadi pulak. Tak lah terasa penat sangat tu sebab semua makan kata sedap, hehehe, kembang aku dapat pujian tu. Hari raya tahun ini tak macam tahun lepas, paginya tak ramai yang datang. Agaknya sebab kami kata nak buat BBQ tu jadi adik beradik datang petang semuanya. Hubby's sisters pun balik dari KL semalam jugak tak macam tahun lepas sehari sebelum raya. Petang sampai malam baru rumah aku meriah sangat. Dah asyik dok buat kerja dapur baju raya pun aku sempat pakai sekejap saja. Yang lain tu T-shirt dengan kain batik sebab nak mengadap dapur, dan kemudiannya T-shirt dengan jeans pada malamnya.
Dah habis sehari Syawal dah...
Next entry BBQ malam raya 1 dan malam raya 2 ( Dah seronok buat BBQ first night, abang2 dan hubby plan nak sambung lagi semalam) Malam ni agaknya lagi banyak menu BBQ tu. Nanti aku cerita OK........
November 01, 2005
Raya Sakan Ni...
Isyyy, mula aku ingat tak nak update blog ni sampai lepas raya. Tapi agaknya excited pasal nak raya kut dan dok ingat mungkin ada yang mai dok jenguk blog, tulis sikit lah kan. Tak lah hampa sapa yang datang tu kan? Iye lah tu hehehe.
Aku dah mula sibuk dah dok buat persiapan raya ni. Sejak dari tahun lepas memang aku dan hubby sibuk kalau nak raya. Sebabnya rumah kami akan menjadi center of celebration dari kedua2 belah pihak. Adik beradik aku bertumpu ke rumah aku sebab mak tinggal dengan aku kan. Adik beradik hubby jugak berkunjung ke rumah kami sebab dia anak lelaki sulung, Rumah pusaka tinggalan mak dan bapa mertua adik dia yang bongsu tinggal situ. Tapi kami jugak yang jadi host. Abang lang aku dari KL akan balik beraya di sini seperti setiap tahun. Tahun ni dia duduk di rumah kami lah. Anak dia ramai (5 lelaki 3 perempuan) penuh jugak lah rumah aku nanti.
Semalam hubby dah pasang lampu lip lap lip lap hehehe. Tahun ni tak pasang pelita pun sebab cuaca nampaknya selalu hujan. Meriah jugak lah walau tak pasang pelita pun. Tapi aku suka jugak ada pelita sebab nampak macam suasana kekampungan tu. Semalam jugak, anak-anak di ketuai oleh Angah dah buat se jenis biskut raya. Adik2 sibuk nak tolong tak sempat-sempat nak tolong angah buat adunan biskut coklat rice. Sampai si angah pun dok pot pet, pot pet dengan diorang tu. Aku tolong tengok, oven setting dan timing saja tu. Malam nanti kata diorang nak buat biskut conflake. Yang ni, sebab salah sorang cousin diorang nak datang join sama nak buat biskut conflake. Si Farah ni kata nak belajar buat biskut tu.Aku pulak dah nak kena masak rendang daging dan rebus nasi impit segera tu. Rendang tu buat awal sebab hubby janji nak bagi dengan kawan dia ( A chinese couple). Kalau buat malam boleh rasa. cukup rasa ka rendang tu. Nanti malu pulak bagi kat orang tak sedap rasa rendang tu.
Malam raya pertama kami adik beradik dah plan nak buat barbeque kat rumah aku ni. Best tu ramai2 makan2 jumpa adik beradik nanti tu. First time nak buat barbeque kat sini ni, banyak jugak nak kena siap ni. Yang teruk aku dengan hubby lah dok kena prepare macam-maca. Nasib baik cuti sebelum raya tu banyak hari jugak sebab cuti deepavali tu. Banyak dah jugak yang kami beli tapi masih ada yang kena beli. Duit pun mengalir macam air je ni.
Nanti aku cerita pasal barbeque raya tu OK. Yang balik kampung tu berhati-hati di jalan raya. Jangan terlalu seronok masa beraya makan sampai semput tu OK. Berpada2 lah ok. Aku pun kena ingat jugak ni....
Aku dah mula sibuk dah dok buat persiapan raya ni. Sejak dari tahun lepas memang aku dan hubby sibuk kalau nak raya. Sebabnya rumah kami akan menjadi center of celebration dari kedua2 belah pihak. Adik beradik aku bertumpu ke rumah aku sebab mak tinggal dengan aku kan. Adik beradik hubby jugak berkunjung ke rumah kami sebab dia anak lelaki sulung, Rumah pusaka tinggalan mak dan bapa mertua adik dia yang bongsu tinggal situ. Tapi kami jugak yang jadi host. Abang lang aku dari KL akan balik beraya di sini seperti setiap tahun. Tahun ni dia duduk di rumah kami lah. Anak dia ramai (5 lelaki 3 perempuan) penuh jugak lah rumah aku nanti.
Semalam hubby dah pasang lampu lip lap lip lap hehehe. Tahun ni tak pasang pelita pun sebab cuaca nampaknya selalu hujan. Meriah jugak lah walau tak pasang pelita pun. Tapi aku suka jugak ada pelita sebab nampak macam suasana kekampungan tu. Semalam jugak, anak-anak di ketuai oleh Angah dah buat se jenis biskut raya. Adik2 sibuk nak tolong tak sempat-sempat nak tolong angah buat adunan biskut coklat rice. Sampai si angah pun dok pot pet, pot pet dengan diorang tu. Aku tolong tengok, oven setting dan timing saja tu. Malam nanti kata diorang nak buat biskut conflake. Yang ni, sebab salah sorang cousin diorang nak datang join sama nak buat biskut conflake. Si Farah ni kata nak belajar buat biskut tu.Aku pulak dah nak kena masak rendang daging dan rebus nasi impit segera tu. Rendang tu buat awal sebab hubby janji nak bagi dengan kawan dia ( A chinese couple). Kalau buat malam boleh rasa. cukup rasa ka rendang tu. Nanti malu pulak bagi kat orang tak sedap rasa rendang tu.
Malam raya pertama kami adik beradik dah plan nak buat barbeque kat rumah aku ni. Best tu ramai2 makan2 jumpa adik beradik nanti tu. First time nak buat barbeque kat sini ni, banyak jugak nak kena siap ni. Yang teruk aku dengan hubby lah dok kena prepare macam-maca. Nasib baik cuti sebelum raya tu banyak hari jugak sebab cuti deepavali tu. Banyak dah jugak yang kami beli tapi masih ada yang kena beli. Duit pun mengalir macam air je ni.
Nanti aku cerita pasal barbeque raya tu OK. Yang balik kampung tu berhati-hati di jalan raya. Jangan terlalu seronok masa beraya makan sampai semput tu OK. Berpada2 lah ok. Aku pun kena ingat jugak ni....
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