June 30, 2005
MakCik Berangan
Sebabnya aku nak berangan-angan ni sebabnya, semalam atau kelmarin atau kemaghin (dari kamuih orangh utagha ni), aku dengar dalam radio, DJ tu tanya kat pendengar dia apa nak buat kalau dapat RM1 Juta. RM1,000,000,000 (banyak nya 0 tu, betui kan?). Ramai yang kata nak shopping, nak shopping sakan. Ada sorang ni kata dia nak bagi setengah kat charity, yang lagi setengah tu nak guna sendiri lah. Betui ka tu no?
Ni kategori kalau dapat duit tu free lah. Mai dari mana aku tak tau lah, kut kena lotteri kut (aku pun tak pernah nak beli lotteri macam mana nak menang tu) Atau pun ada orang kaya mana ka tinggalkan wasiat atau hibah duit tu kat aku no. Apa-apa pun ni nak berangan apa aku nak buat kalau aku ada duit RM1 Juta.
No. 1 sekali aku tulis surat kat boss aku berbunyi begini.
Dear Mr Boss,
Thank you for hiring me for this job since 199X. However the time has come for me to move on. I would like to thank you and the management for trusting me with the responsibility. With effect from (date) I would like to tender my resignation as the (position). I am retiring so as to be able to enjoy my newly acquired fortune.
Thank you,
Yours truly
2. Dah siap tu, kena lah kira berapa zakat kena bagi pulak (2.5% from RM1 million) berapa tu?
3. Check hutang piutang aku la ni ada berapa (rumah, kereta, credit cards, buku 555 (mana ada dah ni !!!)
4. Jom nak pi Tabung Haji masukkan RM50,000, buat tambang nak pi haji untuk hubby and me. Teringin sangat nak pi ni, tadi aku baca blog Kak Safiah cerita dia naik haji, syahdu bukan main, aku terbayang tempat2 yang dia mention tu. Rasa nak nangis sebab rindu sangat.
5. Dah tu tengok pulak lah, apa2 yang rumah aku perlu di persiap atau di perelokkan, tu yang hubby dok teringin nak bubuh "semerok" kat tepi tu, lain-lain yang nak mekap rumah tu. "Semerok" tu apa? Apa orang putih panggei tu? Yang ni macam extention to our house, tapi tak berdinding, cuma roof saja. Hubby nak bagi some vines menjalar kat situ, nampak cantik dan cooling.
6. Kena lah bagi sikit kat anak2, untuk masa depan depa no, beli takaful pelajaran ke apa ka kan, kut-kut jadi apa2 kat kami. Kena beringat jugak lah kan?
7. Dah Ok bab-bab rumah tu kenalah buat kenduri doa selamat kan. Kena jemputlah sedara mara, kawan-kawan seluruh Malaysia, kawan-kawan cyber-cyber ni kan. Karang merajuk pulak semua orang ni kalau tak ajak tu.
8. Lepas dah OK semua tu, la ni boleh kira nak pi jalan-jalan kut no? Nak pi mana aku ni. Dulu dah pi dah UK dengan Italy, tak puas pulak lah sebab banyak tempat yang tak lawat tu. La ni dah ramai kawan ni boleh pi lawat depa kut kat sana tu. Nak start dari mana ni? . Kami pi US dulu lah lepas tu tengok budget kalau ada lebih UK and Europe, sebab dah biasa dah pergi UK and Italy tu kan. Aku mestilah nak pi dengan hubby aku. Tak kan nak pi sorang2, muncung panjang lah kalau aku tak ajak dia. Mula lah dia nak fikir macam2 tu.
Let's see who we can visit:-
There's Ely in San Francisco, Atenah somewhere (t.s.t., sudahlah), Kak Mutiara yang dok "semawa" pi Oklahoma, kalau tak cukup rumah pasang tent kat luaq rumah pun OK kan kak? Omar (di Nashville??) . Best kalau dapat tengok country dance depa tu. Tapinya mesti kena prepare nak masak kat dia ni. Ayam golek, nasi minyak, rendang ayam atau daging, mak oi, lepas tu kena suruh hubby picit lah agaknya. hehehe. Kalau dia tolong aku sama2 masak lepas tu dia bawak aku jalan2, aku sanggup lah (kira contra lah tu).
Si Joe tu mau ka nak jumpa aku ni. Dia nanti kata "aku kerja lah wei, mana ada cuti ni" Kalau dia kata camtu aku cancel je lah kan. Tapi dia mesti nak jumpa kan, kan Joe?. Dulu Tenah pun dia jumpa ni aku mai jauh2 dia tak kan tak nak jumpa. Tapi tak nak lah sampai menyusahkan orang pulak kan. Tapi diorang ni anak2 bujang, malu lah aku nak pergi jumpa pun sebab nanti diorang salah anggap pulak kan.
Aku pun ada sorang anak saudara yang kawin dengan American. Aku pergi wedding dia tu dulu kat sini. Mak dia first cousin aku. Kalau aku pi maybe aku boleh jugak look them up tanya2 khabar tu. Entah-entah aku dah ada cucu sedara dah kut. Kalau tak silap kata nya they are in New Hampshire or somewhere nearby. Entahlah geography aku bukan lah bagus sangat pun.
Lepas tu aku nak pi UK, nak jumpa
2 orang former classmate aku dulu. Ada sorang yang kawin dengan an English man, sorang lagi dengan orang Melayu, husband dia sambung belajar kat sana tu. Then there is the MakCik Blur, CN, Massy Lassy (yang aku tengok dia kata nak bagi free tour, food, lodging kat sedara mara dia yang mai vacation kat sana tu. So aku nak kena mengaku jadi makcik angkat dia lah ni kan MassyLassy, boleh kan, kan? If you come to Penang I'll take you round the Island, deal? Then I do want to go to the Lake District, I do want to see my friend Malcolm again. Ni kira dah round UK habis lah ni.
Lepas tu nak jugak melawat the most romantic capital in the world, i.e Paris. Anak sepupu aku (adik kepada yang duduk USA tu) ada dok belajar kat situ, boleh jumpa jugak tu. Nak look-up jugak my former penpal at Dortmund Germany tu. Dia mai jumpa aku 2 kali, dulu2 sekarang dah lah lost contact, maybe boleh try cari kut. Dah pergi Germany kena kut singgah jumpa Maknenek, bawak lah buah tangan ala kadar kat dia dan binti dia dari Malaysia. Dia berbudi dengan aku aku nak jugaklah kalau boleh balas balik tu. Singgah lah sat kut kat the Hague rumah first cousin aku then also turun ke Geneva to meet a distant cousin but quite close to the family. Ramai jugak rupanya sanak sedara aku kat oversea ni no. Yang baru jadi sedara dan yang memang betul sedara pun ada.
Asyik dok berangan nak pergi jumpa orang itu dan orang ini, aku ni tak ke terfikir apa lah diorang ni akan ingat. Suka ke tak suka ke? Tak kan nak main redah je nak pi rumah orang kan. Aku tak lah nak tumpang tidur rumah diorang kan, tak lah nak menyusahkan diorang kan. Malu lah aku nak buat macam tu. Walaupun diorang ni orang Malaysia, budaya Malaysia masih kuat, tapi tak lah boleh nak ambik kesempatan kan. Jumpa2 setakat minum petang sudahlah. Makcik blurr aku nak ajak pi jalan2 kat Hyde Park, and re-living the places she wrote so beautifully in her blog, yang dekat2 dengan rumah dia je lah ni. All expenses under me lah OK ? But the big question is whether SUDI ke orang-orang ni nak jumpa dengan makcik ni. Nanti jadi dah lah hidung tak mancung pipi dok tersorong-sorong kat orang ni, MALU besar lah pulak ni...
Kalau masih ada sedikit duit tu on the way back boleh kut singgah mana2 tempat lain lagi. Aku pun teringin nak tengok Alhambra di Spain, nak tengok the Blue Mosque in Turkey, nak tengok bunga sakura kat Jepun tu. Pendek kata nak pusing dunia lah ni.
Tapi rasanya baru setengah dunia aku nak pusing, balik2 rasanya duit aku pun dah habis tu, jadi nampak gaya kena retrack lah surat for boss aku tu. Maybe aku mintak cuti tanpa gaji sebulan dua lah kalau bila balik masih boleh makan nasi then aku hantar lah letter tu kan.
Wah, wah seronok nya berangan ni kan. Kuat berangan jugak aku ni kan. It's OK to dream kan mana lah tau kut-kut the dream will come true.Kalau tak jadi pun I still have that sweet dream to remember. The adventure in my mind. Berangan sikit punya elok ni, nanti ada drool jatuh kat keyboard ni, hehehe.
So OK, OK, come on dream on with me, what would you do if you got a tax free, cool RM1 Million?
June 29, 2005
No Idea lah ni....
As it is I am still at my wit's end trying to find a suitable idea for my entry. I am getting lazy, I know, I am getting bored perhaps, maybe my head is so "hot" with all the durian that get into my body the last few days. I don't really like durian, I can eat durian, but I prefer manggis, rambutan, mempelam (manggoes) any time better than durian. But my hubby just love durian so much. He planted different kind of species in our compound. Two of those trees have already fruiting and we have eaten them. He will still buy durian from the roadsite stall or any where he knows would have good species of durian. In other word I think my hubby is a durianmaniac. He is diabetic, but, he can't resist durian. He bought durian at Bukit Gantang on the way to KL recently, he found it to be good, so he bought some more on the way home. I have got a headache today, my head is heavy, my body feels hot, my throat is dry. I have been drinking water non stop in between visits to the toilet. But at any time I prefer him to be durian maniac or plant maniac, rather than he goes around chasing skirts hehehe.
This morning as he drove out of the compound, I received his called. I thought he must have forgotten something, NO, he sounded excited. Why? Because he saw a few bunches of dokong fruits ripening on the tree. He was excited to see them so much so that he had to share the excitement with me. Imagine that!!. He planted the trees quite sometime back almost at the same time as the durian, but only this year we see them fruiting. He was excited to see the fruit of his labour, a yellow bunch of fruits waiting to be plucked. He told me not to pluck them yet, to leave them a little bit more ripe before plucking them. It seems that this year we are able to eat Durian, Rambutan and Dokong from our garden. Alhamdulillah, berbudi pada tanah, hasilnya kenyang lah perut kan...
I chatted with Kak Long last night, after I watched CSI=NY. Hubby was dreaming away, while I chatted with her. She was doing her work at the same time. It was near midnite that we stopped chatting. She was telling me about her new roommate who has just joined her and the current roommate. So there are now 3 in the room. The new room mate is also from Penang and like Kak Long, this is her first time away from home and family. Unlike Kak Long, she is so teary eyed. It would be good for Kak Long to have another friend from Penang as they can travel back to Penang together during holidays. Her current roommate is also a nice girl, they seem to have got on well together. Although they are in the same course but they not in the same class. She told me she reads my blog so, I can't "mengumpat" her lah, hehehe.
My car road tax and insurance were expired yesterday. I have already renewed it, but had not displayed it on the windsheild. I went out to lunch today, with the old road tax still displayed. I had totally forgotten to even carry the road tax with me. It was in my bag. Phew, lucky I was not stopped by the police or the JPJ. What brought it to my mind was when I saw the JPJ patrol car passed me by and thathad jolted my memory. I would have no excuse whatsoever, so, as I was driving, I had to think of the excuse I would give if I got stopped by the police or the JPJ. I wonder if my sweetest smile would still do the trick!!. Senyum manis makcik kampung, tough luck I think, tak kan nak menjadi dah tu. Kalau masa anak dara mungkin lah kan, kan...
Luckily, I was spared the embarassement and the fine. I need to remember to put it up before I go home afterward. Don't want to take any more chances on lady luck.
Bear with me with this story for now, I hope I will have something better on the next day.
June 28, 2005
Habis Manis Sepah DiBuang - Part 2
We arrived from KL yesterday (Monday) afternoon. My other 3 girls "ponteng" their schools yerterday. At first we wanted to come back on Sunday night after sending Kak Long back to her college, but Kak Long of course, wanted us to stay longer and since her class started at 9.00 am Monday morning, we still could send her back early this morning just in time for class. And that what we just did, we left for cyberjaya from sis-in-law place at about 8.00 am and after sending Kak Long back to her hostel we started our way home. She seems happy and settled down. I am happy to see that she is already settled. So, I think she is going to be staying there until she complete her study. Right now, we have to figure out ways and means to meet the demand of her requirement. It's going to be lots of money needed for her. PTPTN is still not definite yet because of the change in the policy recently. If she is not elligible for the PTPTN then we have to find other ways. We will find a way, Insyaallah.
So to continue my sister's story, here goes another long entry. If you guys feel bored reading this, please don't stay. I hope that, by writing this down I am not seen to have shown to all my family dirty linen. My intention is just to share something with all. Sesuatu yang boleh menjadi sedikit pengajaran kepada semua. If anyone amongst you who think that I should not blog about this, I am open to your constructive critics. Please be honest and sincere.
To continue, my BIL went to see my hubby at work. He poured his heart out to my hubby. He cried according to my hubby. My hubby called me almost immediately after he left him. Both of us were prepared to believe his side of the story and to give him the benefit of the doubt. Because this is the first time we were able to hear the opposite side of the story. So this was what he told my hubby.
1. My sister does not cook. He cooks all the meals. He buys all the fresh fish and seafood directly from the fishermen (from Kuala Muda), unlike all of us who buy from the market. How fresh can that be, when one buy from the market ?
2. My sis does not wash his clothes eversince they were married. She doesn't iron his clothes either.
3. My sis always talk back at him (menjawab lah tu, dengan nada suara yang tinggi). My hubby said, that is our characteristics, he told BIL that I also has got a high pitch voice. Something common in all of us. Memang kuat sora kami ni, kalau bercakap. Tak kan tak tau kut dah lama kawin tu, hehehe.
4. My sis always insist that he does not provide nafkah, while he buys all the food for the home.
5. He paid for my sis old car (Kancil) so that belongs to him so when he sold it because my sis want to buy a new car, he should get the money not my sis.
6. My sis is so stubborn, why she wants to buy a big, not any smaller car like Kenari. She just wants to berlagak, since she was promoted. Why not use a smaller car?
7. Eversince she was promoted she did not respect him as her hubby. Tak dengar cakap, BIL cakap jangan beli motor besar, my sis beli jugak untuk W. Bila dah beli suruh jual, tak nak jual.
8. BIL sold his first house and use the money to buy their current house, so why does my sis
keep on insisting that the house is hers.
9. My sis is the cause of him not talking to his mother. Reason my sis told his mother that he was fooling around with another lady. To this my hubby adviced BIL that he should ask for his mother's forgiveness. To let bygone be bygone and talk to his mother. He must get the "restu" from his mother, for his live to be blissful.
10. BIL doesn't respect and doesn't like my eldest brother (Abang Long) he said that my abang long took my sis to bomoh to "bomoh" him. My hubby counter act this by saying that, from what he obserbed in my family, my abang long is not the type to see bomoh for anything. He has can vouch for my abang long on that. Boleh tahan hubby aku ni no?
The list goes on. He did add that he no longer has any "hati" for my sis and he can let her go free. He said that she would be in trouble if he divorced her as he has money to support himself and 4 of his children while my sis may be in trouble. I personally doublt it. She will not be penniless and we will see that she will have enough to eat. It is his opinion anyway. I think the table will turn on him.
When I heard these, I told my hubby, maybe he was right, my sis is not perfect but why, wait until now? Why not resolve matters at home together at the beginning of their marriage. Determine who would do what and what to expect. Why wait until after 21 years? My hubby agreed. So we thought this was the case of miscommunication. I had mixed feeling whether to tell my sis or not, but later I did tell her. My intention was to advise her, to make sure she corrects her actions so that they could be together again. Below my sis's reply to her hubby's "accusations".
1. In 1 week, he cooks only 2, or 3 times. Those other time when she cooks, those do not count is it?
2. She admits she does not wash his clothes. This is because she used to when they were first married, he re-wash the clothes she washed. He does his clothes immediately washed as soon as he comes back, hand wash and not using washing machine. My sis recently try to wash her husband's clothes and again the same treatment received. So why waste her effort and energy.
Ironing, according to her, she ironed almost a cupboard full of clothes, yet the one she does not iron, he will want to wear it. He will take the one she doen't iron to wear. To me this is simply trying to find fault in her.
3. My sis said admitted she menjawab, everytime he said thing degradatory to her, she will defend herself, does that constitute menjawab, derhaka?
4. On the nafkah. He is the man of the house. It is his responsible to provide the food, clothing etc for all of them. Yes, he buys the BASIC food, rice, sugar, cooking oil. And that's about all. If they go to the supermarket, in one trolley full of things, he will only pay for those items. The rest my sis will have to pay. The other thing he will only buy foodstuff that he likes to eat, he couldn't careless if anyone wants to eat or not, I buy them, you can eat or you go starving. The whole family knows he is so kedekut.
5. According to my sis, yes, he paid for the downpayment for her kancil. RM 4K, but all the monthly installments were paid by her. Recently when she sold the car to buy a new car, he took from her RM5K, so does the Kancil still belong to him?
6. My sis just doesn't like kenari. She is paying for the car so she has got the right to choose. She is your wife, if she looks good shouldn't he feel proud as well? He has never let my sis even drive his car. He needs to look good but not the wife, pure jealousy I think.
7. My sis, kept telling us that so many times she would hold out her hands to ask for forgiveness and blessings from her husband, but, he will just pushed her hands away. There was one time he even had his foot just an inch away from her face. He pushed her so hard at one time she fell and her back hit the steps. She had bruises for that fell.
8. Same case with the car, the house he paid the down payment she paid the installment, taken her EPF to pay all and he insist that she got no right to insist for the house.
9. Yes, it was my sis who told his mother that he was flirting with another girl. She discovered that a supposedly Langkawi trip had turned out to be a Phuket trip with a lady's SMS of sweet nothings in his phone. She had no one to turn to but to inform MIL so as to advise him. He was angry at my sis and his mom for reprimanding him. Until today according to my sis BIL will go to his parents house but don't speak to his mother. My sis is getting on well with her MIL.
10. If my sis does go to bomoh, wouldn't you think that he is now the kind of husband who is so afraid of his wife? Jenis yang menikus tu, yang setiap bulan dapat gaji, serah bulat-bulat semua gaji dia kat wife dia. Nak keluar dengan kawan pun kena mintak permission dari bini dia?
I will let you guys judge first. I am sure you have some opinion. Sorry again this ia a very long entry.
Still there is no ending to this case. There will not be any part 3, my conclusion is simple, he is so egoistic, he will not change, marriage is a responsibility of both parties to make it work. I know my sis has her limitations but communications is vital to ensure happiness in the family. I have no idea how this drama going to end, but, I would rather see my sister go free, to start a new life than be unhappy with someone who doesn't respect her as a wife.
Probably the man will be angry at me, for bruising their egos. Whatever, if there are some damage done here, I will later retrack the entry.
I am trying to just potray something for the benefit of others.
June 24, 2005
Habis Manis Sepah Di Buang - Part 1
I am actually still very , very lazy. Malas sesangat ni. Maybe it is also due to the "time" of the month. The PMS factor. But then at the same time I know I have some obligation to the readers of this blog. They frequented my blog, either passing thru to other blogs or they came to read. I should be thankful that they keep on coming. Meaning at least there are people who find my blog of reading quality. If not, why should they come. I read and some times re-read my entries and others. I do not really think that what I have written are really that good. I am not trying to get praises for this statement, but, compared to others, my writing is just normal to me. Tak lah bagus sangat, tambah-tambah kalau compare dengan makcik-makcik lain tu kan. Sapa lagi kalau bukan Makcik Blurr, Makcik Pencen tu pun boleh tahan, Makcik Gomen yang dah bertahun ada blog, makcik yang ada Brood tu atau yang baru aku kenai Makcik-san. Dan lagi sorang makcik kembara yang aku tak tau apa status blog dia tu. Entah apa-apa lah yang aku tulis tu kadang2 aku fikir balik.
Enough, enough, before you turn your readers away or make them vommit blood (muntah kedarah kata orang utara, maksud nya dah lain tu). As at now, I am still not so sure what I am going to write, I have one or two in my mind, actually. Hmmmm, but I think I am going to leave you guys with a trailer for the week-end. And please also take note especially to OOD, Tenah and Ely ( *pssst* depa ni kalau tak bagi notis nak mai sebat aku pulak tu, susah sungguh ada stalkers ni, hehehe). Jangan marah no, saja gurau2 je ni. The note is girls, I am going to be away for the week-end. Tu baba dah tak tahan rindu kat Kak Long tu, dah tak tau dah berapa kali dok ajak pi visit Kak Long ni. So I WILL NOT be posting over the week-end, even Monday OK!!!
Let me start my sister’s story here.
My little sister started work as soon as she finished her SPM. Un-like me she did not further her study. As years goes by, through rank and file and also good performances, she had been promoted. She did change her work place once before to get to a better position. She is currently an Asst. Manager, For someone who has no degree, I thinks she does well. If you see me and her she seems to be more spunky than me. Me, probably the lady like type, "pijak semut tak mati type". Orang baik lah kata kan ni hehehe. She is tall and pretty, her face if you compare to me a little bit more fiece while I look softer (cewah, puji diri memanjang ni, hehehe). But as Tenah said my voice is very tegas, straight to the point type of person. In the beginning she used to ride a motorbike to work. I am scared of riding anything with 2 wheels, (told you I am so lembik one!!), but you can give anything to drive on 4 wheels, lori pun aku dah pernah drive tau…
So it was not very surprised that she was courted and got married before I did. I was still studying and her beau was eager to tie the knot. Even, so willing to give me a "persalinan" for the "langkah bendul". They have been dating for a while, the man (now my BIL) had been sending her home from work, almost everyday. The whole kampung was talking about them. At that time if you were always fetching and sending anak dara orang, the kampung folks were really concerned.
So to cut the story short, they got married, and soon after she started her family. Almost every year she was pregnant. They have 5 children, 3 sons and 2 daughters. This year marks their 21 years of marriage and I think she has been happy ONLY a fraction of that 21 years. Perhaps the first few years of her marriage were bearable. Although we know her husbands attitude, he is so egoistic, he thinks he is the one and only one who is right, panas baran etc, she seems to be able to bear it and try so hard to cover things up. We know there had been squables but, it is normal to any marriage right? For the last few years, we have seen that the squables are getting more frequent and violent.
I don’t really know exactly when their marriage turned stormy, or what was the trigger point, but it is clear that the 3rd child is the reason. According to my sis, her husband showered so much love to this boy when he was young, but as he grows older and more stubborn I guessed, he seems to have fallen out of his father’s grace. My nephew, W, (very similar to Syazuan, the birthday boy today) is almost 18. He is just 3 weeks younger than my Kak Long. In fact we (my sis and me) were spending our confinement together at our mom’s house with the "makcik tungku" each. The boy is, somehow is not like his other siblings, he is naughtier, not really the book worm type like the others. The type who is always late for school, but still go to school, who is the one the disipline teacher will call when there is something wrong. But odd enough he doesn’t smoke and eventhough he did not study, he still passed his SPM recently. His result is definitely not as good as his older brother and sister, but OK lah. He is almost 6 foot tall, big size, eats a lot ( you will have 2 buy him 2 packets of Nasi Ayam or 2 pcs of burger to satisfy his hunger if you want to belanja him).
My BIL wanted W to toe the line (BIL’s) like his other children. But W, is not that type, if he doesn’t like to do anything you just can’t make him do it. In my eyes he is a good boy, just a bit rebellious, but still with proper guidance can be a better person. He has friends and although he always hang out with them until almost midnite but he is not the one to be involved with the wild motor races (lumba haram tu) or get into mischief. Quite normal for a boy that age don't you think?
His father and grandfather accused him of always being in bad company but, when he told them he wasn’t they did not believe him. Until today they don’t. When her husband refused to buy for the boy a motor bike, my sister bought for him. That motor bike has since become one of the reasons for their quarrels. Her reason for buying is because she wanted him to go to school on time, and also because in fairness and equality between siblings. Husband bought the other 2 older children a bike each and refused to let W ride those bikes even if they were not in use.
As days goes by things are getting more sour. BIL now refused to accept that W is his responsibility, no food for him ( he sometimes said that the food he bought is HARAM for the son, right within the earshot of the son), no pocket money, nothing. He has not spoken to the boy since he was 16. BIL, even locked the gate and house doors not permitting the son to get in. My sister will opened the locked at the risk of her husband’s wrath. True enough when they quarreled, he will bring out all these things. My sister argued, what happened if out of desperation W would do something stupid by sleeping at the road side and being caught by the police? Wouldn’t that brought shame to them? What makes matters worst is the grandparents are also not treating him well. W and his siblings from when they were small were taken care of by the gandmother and it is a wonder how they can treat the other 4 with so much love and treat him differently.
When W was met with an accident recently, as he was on his way to get something to eat, a drunk man hit him with his car. He didn’t dare to say anything to his grandfather, knowing full well his mom will be in trouble he just endured the pain. The bruises turned bad and he was down with fever, then only the secret was out. Because of the late in getting treatment his bruise turned into puss and he was hospitalised for 3 weeks. BIL, refused to see his son, refused to pay for his bill, refused to "lend" money to my sis for the bill, eventhough she knows well that he has money, he just said that he has no money. BIL is the "genggam tak tiris" type. BIL even cursed the poor boy. He said he coldn't care less if he dies, I couldn’t just believe my ears for this.
So, my sister was still trying to patch up her marriage, she did everything she possibly could, she prayed and she prayed but, yet nothing came. But that does not deter her from praying. I could understand her attitude, she quarelled, husband called her names, told her she is derhaka, refused to accept her hands when she asked for forgiveness, yet she still hoped and prayed that he will change. She called me so many times sobbing while pouring her heart out to me, and yet she still stayed on. I think finally her patience just run out or that Divine intervention finally is taking place. 2 weeks ago after a few times of being challenged by the husband to report to the Pejabat Ugama, she went to lodge the report.
Prior to that she sent me an SMS :
Aku gaduh dgn laki aku lagi, Dia x ada hati kat aku dah. Aku ni kurang ajar, derhaka, celaka. Dia x ampun dosa kat dia. Kalau aku p pejabat ugama dia nak cera aku. Aku x tau nak buat apa. Dia dok ungkit kisah lama.
My reply :
Awat nak tunggu kalau dah x ada hati. U kena buat keputusan apa nak buat. Dia tak kan berubah walau sampai mati.
She called the following day and we talked. I told her the same thing. She had now to make the decision what she wanted to do with her marriage. It was clear that he will not change for the better. Kalau asyik dok cari kesalahan orang tanpa tengok diri sendiri, macam mana nak berubah. I told her, if she decides that she wants to stay on, then she will have to endure, no more complaint. But if she thinks that she wants to start a new life she can still do it. She is 45 years old and still very attractive, she has a career, she will not starve. Her husband said he will take care of 4 of his children and will leave the "anak celaka" in her care, so what is stopping her then. When she came to our house later the same thing was told to her by my hubby. My hubby even said to her, he was getting a bit fed-up of this on-off drama that my sister and her husband was pulling. Sat OK sat not OK, dok main jongkang jongkit macam tu. She went home almost at midnight, he husband was in KL at that time.
So she summed up her courage and lodge a report with the Pejabat Ugama. She did also called and talked to a lady counsellor who refer her to the Ustaz in charge. He listened and adviced that she put up a formal report so that they can call both of them for counselling.
Her husband received the report on Monday morning the following week. To our surprised he went to see my hubby at his office. Hubby was having a discussion when someone said that there was a gentleman wanted to see him urgently. The first thing he said to my hubby was " This is most shameful thing to have happened in my entire life. My wife dah malu kan I ni" Hubby looked at the report and replied "Why, malu, there are only 3 people who know about this, your wife , the ustaz and you. If you don’t go and tell the world no body will know." Well now thanks to me the whole world knows hehehe.
I will continue next week OK, Sorry for this is such a long story.
June 23, 2005
Tapi makcik kampung ni telah diserang oleh sejenis virus yang SANGAT MERBAHAYA. Simptom-simptom penyakit ini adalah;
1. Malas nak pergi kerja – kena pergi jugak takut kena potong gaji
2. Malas nak duduk rumah – jadi kena pergi kerja lah
3. Malas nak pergi jalan-jalan – gaji belum dapat tak best jalan tak de duit, tak boleh enjoy lebih-lebih.
4. Malas nak masak – tapi tak malas nak makan
5. Malas nak update blog – tapi ter-update jugak ni
6. Malas nak exercise – tapi jeans dah rasa ketat
7. Malas nak internet-internet – tapi berchatting sakan
8. Malas nak drive kereta – "drebar" tak senang nak hantar datang kerja
9. Malas nak mark assignment students – tapi nanti tak dapat upah
10 Malas nak buat kerja – takut dosa pulak sebab makan gaji buta.
Itu lah simptomnya.
Nampak gayanya makcik kampung ni dah kena virus MALAS.
Tolong!, Tolong!, Help!, HELPPPPPPP!, Is there a doctor in the blog?
Hospital mana nak hantar ni? Nak kena admit ke out-patient saja ni?
Ada ke ubat ni?
Nanti bertambah serius ni, bertambah bahaya ni. Kena masuk ICU ke, atau ...........................
Akibatnya nanti bersawang rumah kampung ni, berselerak daun kat laman tu, tak de sapa nak cuci tu……Tak pulak boleh di faraidkan harta blog ni kan?
June 21, 2005
Pelik Tapi Unik
Fikir punya fikir apa yang aku buat atau tak buat secara kebiasaan sebelum datang kerja sampai macam orang mabuk dadah saja tu (perumpamaan saja tu, nanti Puteri mai bagi kat aku jarum satu pulak haru, haru). Dekat pukul 3 petang baru aku teringat yang pagi kelmarin aku tak minum nescafe sebelum datang kerja tu. Kelmarin, hubby kena ke pejabat awal, ada visitor datang melawat ofis dia tu. Overseas delegates katanya, jadi dia direct ke ofis selepas menghantar budak-budak ke sekolah. Selalunya dia balik rumah dulu, aku buatkan Nescafe segelas seorang (black for him, with powdered milk for me). Kan dah pernah cerita dah dulu. Jadinya semalam, aku tak buat lah, tak minum lah sebelum datang ofis tu.
Lepas solat subuh aku baca Quran sikit, dua bulan lepas aku ada terbaca keluhan Maknenek . Dia tulis kerana kesibukan hidup dia mengasuh anak dia Salma, sampai dia tak sempat nak baca Quran. Aku naik malu, sebab tu aku tak komen kat blog dia. Bukan malu pasal apa, sebabnya dia sibuk dengan anak kecil tapi masih dok mengeluh tak dapat baca Quran. Aku ni senang lenang jugak lah katakan, banyak jugak masa terluang, kalau dah boleh dok blog hop tu apa pulak tak ada masa kan, tak pun ambik sedikit masa untuk mengaji. Bukan aku nak bodek maknenek sebab dia bagi aku banner atau nak rasa riak. Insyaallah dari apa yang didorongkan Allah dari penulisan maknenek tu Allah beri dia ganjaran. Kalau aku riak, tak dapat apa-apalah ganjaran dari bacaan aku tu.
Lepas tu aku mula dok internet sana, internet sini. Sempat tegur tanya khabar orang yang demam. Lepas tu aku siap terus datang kerja tak minum pun, masa kat minum pagi kat ofis pun aku tak minum nescafe. Tak kan kut aku ni dah ketagih nescafe, selalunya aku kalau nak tidur pun aku boleh minum nescafe tak pun aku rasa tak boleh tidur. Tapi kenapa pulak bila aku tak minum pagi kelmarin dah mengantuk sangat. Susah lah kalau macam ni. Dah lah ketagih blogging, ni ketagih nescafe pulak. Jadi hari ni Selasa, aku try lah minum nescafe segelas macam selalu, walaupun tak bertemankan hubby. Hubby kena pergi kerja awal minggu ni, aku yang kena hantar anak-anak ke sekolah pagi tadi tu. Hari ni aku segar bugar pulak, tak terlentuk dah macam ayam kena sembelih tu. Betul lah tu agaknya dah ketagih ni. Tak boleh lah macam ni kena tukar minuman lain lah ni.
Masa dalam perjalanan menghantar anak-anak ke sekolah, rutin nya ialah, hantar angah dulu kemudian Ayin dengan anak jiran belakang rumah, last sekali double balik baru hantar Sya. Paling dekat sekolah Sya tapi kalau hantar dia dulu terlalu awal. Angah sejak dah jadi pengawas kena awal, Ayin kena sampai ke sekolah sebelum 7.15 pagi dan sekolah dia yang paling jauh dalam 20 km dari rumah. Sya ada peluang tidur sekejap dalam perjalanan tu.
Sepanjang perjalanan kami melalui kampung-kampung yang mempunyai nama-nama yang pelik-pelik. Orang dulu-dulu suka bagi nama kampung dengan nama yang pelik. Mungkin ada sejarah kenapa nama-nama tu yang diberi tapi rasanya tak ada sapa pun yang himpun fakta sejarah tu. Kenapa tak ada seorang pengkaji sejarang yang bukukan sejarah asal-usul nama-nama kampung kat Malaysia ni mesti menarik kan? Contohnya kat kawasan Seberang Perai ni ada kampung-kampung atau tempat-tempat nama macam ni:
Lahar Yooi
Lahar Kepar
Labuh Banting
Guar Perahu
Guar Petai
Padang Ibu
Kampung Pelet
Nyiur Sebatang
Pinang Tunggal
Mengkuang Kereta Api
Mengkuang Mat Sulong
Ceruk Tok Kun – ni famous ni sapa tak tau?
Merbau Kudung
Merbau Pulas
Padang Tembusu
Padang Tong Sun
Pokok Tampang
Padang Menora
Pematang Tiga Ringgit
Kampung To Elong
Tapi kan, walau pelik tapi unik, tak macam sekarang ni, taman namanya canggih-canggih belaka. Atau ambik sempena nama orang-orang ternama. Tidak pun macam kat Kulim nama taman dia mengambil sempena nama sayur, Taman, Kobis, Taman Lobak, Selasih etc.etc. Ataupun kat Seberang Jaya nama jalan semua pakai nama ikan, Todak, Sembilang, Haruan (ada ka?) entah lah apa lagi.
Kalu ada sapa-sapa yang tau mai mana asai usui nama kampung tu mai habaq sat no.. Kita gebang nama-nama kampung yang pelik-pelik ni. Syok lah jugak. Jangan ada yang dok melopong sudahlah, nanti lalat buat rengha kat dalam mulut cek no….
Dak pun ceghita mai sat nama-nama kampung yang pelik-pelik yang pernah dengaq di Malaysia ka, atau mana mana lah. Syok jugak no tambah pengetahuan ni sambei-sambei tolong pekenai tempat-tempat ni kat seluruh dunia ni.. Sapa-sapa yang rajin melewaq (Tenah bila hang nak buat kamuih ni) rata-rata ni mesti tau banyak nama tempat-tempatyang pelik-pelik.
June 20, 2005
Cerita Lempuk
Lempuk ni kira macam kuih tradisi lah jugak. Orang dulu-dulu kalau musim durian, banyak sangat durian kat rumah, peti sejuk tak ada, nak simpan lama2 nanti masam durian tu, jadi cara nak preserve tu diorang buat lempuk lah. Mungkin kat negeri lain panggil dengan nama lain kut. Buat nya bukan susah tapi lambat saja tu. Isi durian tu di kacau dengan sedikit gula, tak kira lah gula pasir putih atau gula merah atau gula melaka. Kacau sajalahh atas api yang kecil, sekecil mungkin, sampai jadi macam dodol tu. Tapi dia taklah liat macam dodol sebab dodol pakai tepung pulut dan santan. Yang lempuk ni purely isi durian dengan gula. Lepas tu aku masukkan kan jugak isi duriang yang mangkar2 tu. Mangkar tu tau ke apa maknanya tu? Isi yang keras lah ni. Jadi bila makan isi yang tak hancur ni rasa macam crunchy sikit. Warna nya selepas masak betul-betul tu coklat2 gitu.
Makan pun sedap jugak. Oleh kerana dia agak kering dia akan tahan lama, walau kita tak masukkan ke dalam peti ais. Tapi yang payah ni sebab dia manis sesangat. Hubby suka tapi dia diabetic so tak boleh nak makan banyak2 lah tu. Tapi oleh kerana dia suka, aku tak lah dok leterkan dia sangat pasal makan lempuk tu. Pandailah dia sendiri makan ubat tu. Sya mula kata tak nak, tapi kemudian tu dia kata nak cuba sikit. Lepas tu dia mintak nak lagi, sedap agaknya tu. Sya memang suka durian, macam baba lah tu. Kalau dia nak makan durian dia akan mintak pulut dan santan sekali. Tengok pinggan dia macam aiskrim jadinya bila digaul santan, pulut dan durian tu.
Sambil dok kacau lempuk tu sempat jugak dok chatting dengan makcik2 kan alam cyber tu. Rancak betui sembang kami, macam dah lama kenal, macam dah tengok rupa masing-masing. Mana taknya, antara 5 orang kami ni bertiga tu tempat asalnya macam sekampung, kat sini tak jumpa, kat alam cyber pulak yang jumpa. Kalau dulu-dulu orang akan kata pelik bin ajaib. Tapi sekarang, macm ni dah tak heran dah. Ada dah yang jumpa kat internet dan boleh jalinkan silatulrahim hingga membawa ke jinjang pelamin. Aku kenalah dok berulang balik ke dapur sambil2 dok chat tu nak pastikan lempuk tak jadi dodol...
Adik aku Shah pun ada datang rumah aku dengan anak lelaki dia tu (yang nombor 2 tu). Diorang kata lapar nak makan nasi. Memang dah ada lauk terhidang kat atas meja, jadi makan lah dua anak beranak tu. Ada sekali sekala Shah datang bawak anak2 dia mai makan kat rumah aku. Ni mesti nak makan home cooked meal ni. Kesian pulak aku tengok anak buah aku tu. Banyak dia makan bertambah lagi tu. Dia ni petah sangat bercakap, dia kata abah dia yang lapar bukan dia tu, bila akau tanya dia lapar ke? Lepas tu dia siap dok cakap abah dia ada girfriend (refer kat L tu), mama dia pun ada boyfriend. Sakit perut kami gelakkan budak kecik ni sindir abah dia. Budak2 sekarang mana boleh tutup mulut tu. Teringat aku kat cerita Anne pasal anaknya Mimin tu. Harap-harap dia dan kakak dia dapat menerima seorang ibu tiri selepas ini. Akujuga harap L dapat memberi kasih sayang kepada mereka seperti anak dia sendiri.
Petang adikperempuan aku datang, kata dia semua anak2 nya keluar, jadi dia sunyi nak duduk kat rumah. Aku suruh dia mai saja kat rumah aku tu. Kami masih dok cerita kisah dia dengan suami dia tu. Dia dah buat pengaduan ke pejabat ugama. Patutnya suami dia di suruh datang ke pejabat ugama pada hari khamis lalu, tapi suami dia kena pergi KL for work, jadi kena pergi lagi sekali minggu ini. Suami dia pergi jumpa my hubby kat ofis hubby, nak mengadu hal konon. Namun bila dengar penjelasan adik aku satu persatu, aku pun dah tak rasa kesian dah kat dia. Nantilah aku akan ceritakan satu persatu, buat teladan semua. Bila cerita kat Abang Long pun kami masih beranggapan macam aku jugak. Aku pun finally said, kalau dia berani cakap yang dia dah tawar hati dengan adik aku ni (AdikS), cakap balik lah yang adik aku pun dah tak ada hati dengan dia dah pun. Buat apa dok berendam air mata mengharap orang dah tak sudi kan..
Entah apa hal aku tersangat lah mengantuk hari ni. Sampai nak tersengguk kat ofis ni. Tidur pun sama macam hari lain je. Tapi ngantuk sesangat ni. Aku pergi lunch dulu lah ni.
June 17, 2005
How To Make People Fall In Love With You
I was thinking of what to write for today, is it going to be the story of my younger sister (Adik S), the one who is having a marital problem with her husband or something else ?. My sister came to my house yesterday evening, she stayed until almost midnite. Her story will definitely be a long entry. Or the other option is to take up the idea from Atenah's entry about the "forbidden love" my grandfather and father's version. If I want to blog this, then it would have to be soon, so that the flow is still there. Still warm, and belum basi lagi. But then again, I feel a bit uncomfortable to "steal" someone's idea (not that I haven't done it before, hehehe). The other bloggers did the same thing what, so OK lah tu kan? Bloggers kan inspire each other kan, kan?. But maybe that is a story for another day. Or the other option is just put up a recipe. I still have a lot to put up, but I think, I should try to create a more systematic way of putting up the recipes. So that they are easier to access. I saw someone has opened a blog just for her recipes. A new project maybe?? Kalau rajin lah ni. Boleh bubuh segala rempah ratus yang dipakai dalam resipi-resipi tu, jadi kalau anak2 nanti nak masak senang lah kenal bahan2 sekali. Ni dah cerita ni mesti ada yang tolong pressure ni.
But, in the car, my hubby put a CD which is much more interesting to me. The title is "HOW TO MAKE PEOPLE FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU" by Dato Dr Fadzilah Kamsah. I was amused at first, but suddenly questions start creeping into my "pretty" head. Almost nak tukar jadi incredible hulk ni, hehehe.
"What?? Hubby bought this CD? "
" Who does he want to fall in love with him?"
" Am I not enough for him?"
" Is there another woman in his life?"
"No lah, cannot be lah, so very lovey dovey my Mr Z nowadays, sure not those lah "
Not good thoughts eh? Hmmm. So we listen together until we reached the factory. But, I told him that I want the CD to listen while I work. Ni nak make sure I know better than him, so any potential "enemy" is driven out before anything can happen. I am definitely taking the proactive approach, applying the Sun Tze' principle of Know Your Enemy stuff. Hehehehe.
I am also making sure that I "sense" his behaviour, as to check his not so becoming behaviour. Put as stop before the lump becoming cancerous.
Anyway, I think I would put down some tips from this CD, to help those who are looking for someone to fall in love with you. From the CD, I don't think that married couple should not listen to this, because, we could improve ourself to further enhance our attractiveness to our spouse. But singles are encouraged to listen, there is something to be learnt here. But feminists, I must warned you, take the good things discard the not so good things. Some I agree, some I don't. I will let you judge for yourselves. I am not promoting this CD, if I do, I might as well go anad get the commission from the distributor.
Ladies attributes that attract Men.
1. Attractive face (as a first impression, but good personality will preceeds a beautiful face when man get to know you)
2. Well behaves/pious
3. Good family background
4. Good personality (good behaviour, curteous, patient, not overly jeleous etc)
5. Smart girls (but never to overshadow the man smartness)
6. Sense of humour
7. Not too combative, and argumentative at all time. Can argue but not overly so.
Men attributes attractive to Women.
1. Attractive and macho (kah, kah, sian un macho man!!)
2. Wealth is a + point.
3. Good personality, a gentleman, polished, caring
4. Smart, mature
5. Able to control their ego, unable to control their ego is repulsive to ladies ( I fully agree)
6. Appreciative of women's need (Man, take NOTE!!!, generous, not kedekut)
Some tips to make people fall in love with you.
1. Be a positive magnet by cleansing your heart, do your prayer,repent.
Forgive everyone around you, Have positive thoughts.
Love begets love, hatred begets hatred.
2. Physical well being and presentation, well dressed, good Body adour, good mouth adour.
3. Open your heart for love - Are you ready for love?
4. Mental communication always in positve manner. Send your love one or potential live partner mental vibration especially at night when everything is quiet and at peace. The love of your live or potential live partner will feel it.
5. Do not procastinate inn indicating your feeling to someone you like. Jangan bai dia tunggu macam buah tak jatuh OK?
6. Communicate with passion, sincerity and don't be a hiprocrite (yang ni aku tambah). Be yourself.
7. Treat your potential live partner like an old friend, be comfortable with him/her.
8. Evaluate yourself for any unbecoming or repulsive habits (nose picking in public, spitting everywhere, a miser, etc)
Cukup lah tu. kalau nak lagi pergi beli sendiri lah CD tu OK.
June 16, 2005
Happy Father's Day From Kak Long
"Eventhough you have a stern face, but through your twinkling eyes, I can see the gentleness of your heart. BABA, you are the best!
Happy Father's Day!"
Not bad coming from my anak dara ni. I don't know where she got it from but it did make her father a very happy man. Hubby really missed her so much. I have never seen my hubby like this before. Usually, it was a bit difficult for him to express his emotion. It was me who always take the girls out for shopping or any other things that need to be done. Almost everything about their welfare was supposed to be my responsibility. But maybe then all of them are at home. So when one is away, he seems to be missing her so much. Every night he would be calling Kak Long, so far. This is their conversation after the SMS.
Baba : Hello darliiiiiiiig!!!!!! What are u doing?
Kak Long : *Giggled* Baba cakap kuat sangat. Awat baba telefon?.
Baba : Baba rindu anak baba lah..
Kak Long : Ya ka?
Amboi, boleh tahan anak dara aku ni tease baba dia. Ye lah turun dari mama dia lah tu.
Then he would asked her what she did for the day etc. etc.
Baba : Dah makan ka?
Kak Long: Dah, makan maggi saja tadi.
Baba : Awat tak pi makan kat kantin tu, bukan jauh pun
Kak Long : Malas lah.
Baba : Lain kali beli bungkus bawak makan kat bilik lah kalau malu, tak pun ajak room mate keluaq sama.
Kak Long : Tak apa lah Baba, nantilah.
Baba : Malam2 ni tak buat apa ka? Awat tak pi tengok TV ke.
Kak Long : Tak buat apa, boring sebab lecture 2 subject 1 hari saja. Malam boring lah. TV tak ada lah Baba. ramai yang tengok dari PC saja tu. Baba beli lah satu.
Baba : *Laugh*, nanti lah.
Pandai ngendeng rupanya anak dara aku ni. Maybe not lah I told my hubby, later she may be too tight up to watch TV. Right now because they don't have any assignment yet, so she is a bit bored.
Last night, when I was about to go to sleep I heard my handphone rang. She usually make a missed called to us. To save her prepaid cost. Hubby was already asleep, or so I thought, but he made me tell him every single detail of that conversation. I had to tell him that Kak Long said she was stuck in the lift with her friend ( a girl) with 4 boys. The girls were on their way back to the hostel after lecture. They rang the bell and one of the boys called his friend to ask for help. While waiting for the help to come one of the boys said they might as well get to know each other, and he said that they can write in their diaries today that they were stuck in the lift with who and who. Like they are so famous, right ?
She told me what she did in classes etc. etc. She was telling me about her room mate's idea of sharing books. They are in different class, eventhough in the same course. Her room mate is a nice girl. Kak Long must be very bored or missed me like hell and very likely both. It was already mid nite when she called. I asked her whether she will be OK in all her class so far, because I know she has limited capability especially in drawings. Whether she or her room mate is thinking to change course if any one of them receive another offer from the IPTA. She isn't sure yet she said. At least she has a few weeks to decide, being able to experience the classes. I don't want her to feel that she can just quit if she find this unsuitable for her. At the same time I think I know her capability limit. But Kak Long so far I have seen she does not complaint easily. We will see how things goes.
I don't know the exact date for the father's day, but would like to wish all fathers out there
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY. May God Bless You and May You always love your children and be loved in return.
June 15, 2005
Kampung Ku
When I saw Kak Teh chocolate blog head, kecur air liur or terliuq kata orghang utagha tu. Although I know where to ask but I don't know Maknenek so well to ask her to make one for me. I have been reading her blog but I did not make an attempt to comment as often as in other blogs. Then I saw Tenah got hers, others started asking also, so, I pun buat muka tak malu minta jugak lah kat Maknenek. Her response was very fast lah. Siap dia minta e-mail add and cepat sungguh dah dapat dah tu.
Bila aku buka, aku gelak sorang2. Memang lah kena betui dengan theme tajuk blog aku ni. Ini yang maknenek mula-mula hantar ni.

But then, I thought to myself, there will be some people who will start teasing me as "ibu ayam" pulak tu, habis macam mana ni sebab bukan salah dia, aku yang tak beritahu dia image apa yang aku nak. Aku rasa macam aku ni banyak songeh pulak nak mintak tukar tu. Tapi rasanya tak boleh jadi jugaklah kan. So I replied her e-mail told her what I thought and she was so very sportingly said, she laughed out loud when I said someone might call me "ibu ayam" for the header. She then created me another one which is so breathtakingly beautiful. I hope nobody will feel homesick looking at the new blog head.
Then KakTeh YM me to ask whether I wanted to put in the header. Of course I do but I told her the "ibu ayam" story. She laughed as well and said no, there was already a new one. Wow, these two ladies are so remarkable, if they ever start a business together, I can tell mesti meletupnye lah tu. Very very aggressive lorr. So I gave Kak Teh what she wanted.
Walla, there you see it, from the goodness and kindness of their hearts, my blog has got a new blog head. Makin berseri lah blog makcik kampung ni no... I cannot thank you ladies enough. Nasib baik jauh-jauh belaka tu kalau tidak I am sure kena belanja tu. Hahaha. Just kidding ladies. If you are here, somewhere in the northern state of Malaysia, please don't forget to let me know. I will take you makan-makan whatever your hearts desire okay?
June 14, 2005
Dah Demam ?...
"After reading this, I have one worry. The AF3 has started. All this talk about "tak dak masa, kena prepare lecture" I believe Aunty sebok check diari Akademi....? Yes?
Don't la like that. Must write here osso lah"
Untuk entry "Something For All" tu dia komen lagi,
"Aunty N
I know what you are up to. Forget the Akademi, you have a duty here.
Blog Aunty N blog"
First of all, OOD when I write this, ni bukan nak marah kat you OK? Jadi jangan salah faham.
Nak jugak clarify kat OOD that memang aku tak dak masa week-end baru-baru ni. Kalau sapa-sapa ada baca sebelum ni aku ada mention aku buat part time lecturing untuk satu Business School di Penang. Bulan Mei lepas, aku buat 12.5 jam lecture pada hari Sabtu dan Ahad, hujung minggu baru ni aku sambung lagi 12.5 jam. Memang lah kena prepare sebab first time aku buat. Kalau dapat lagi module baru kena prepare jugak lagi sebab lain topik pulak tu. Aku harap dapat lagi satu module, best jugak buat part time ni. Walaupun penat, but at least I got to meet new people from other places. Berkongsi pengalaman tentang tempat kerja masing2. So OOD, I WAS busy, I didn't make it up or watch the AF diary OK? Jangan dok suspek apa2 lagi. Lagipun rasanya blog aku ni selalu update jugak, tak lah lama kalau aku tinggalkan pun. Lebih kurang macam yang lain jugak. To compare to some I think I ni masuk kategori rajin lah jugak kan? Sapa tak setuju? *nak kena ni kalau tak setuju tu*
Tapi dari komen OOD aku terfikir nak cerita pasal kami sekeluarga dan AF ni. Macam mana program ni merapat kan hubungan kami sekelurga. Bukan nak kata kami ni pentingkan hiburan dalam keluarga atau ralit dengan hiburan saja tak fikir pasal benda lain. Tak betul tu. Aku harap tak ada salah faham atau sapa-sapa nak judge kami sekeluarga secara negatif.
Semasa AF1 bermula, aku dan hubby baru saja balik dari business trip aku ke UK dan Italy tu. Dok tengok apa yang anak2 ralit sangat dengan TV, terutama pada 8.30 malam. Kami pun join tengok sekali, sekeluarga tu. AF1 tak lah hebat sangat sebab mungkin baru lagi show tu, tak ramai yang outstanding. Tapi kerana format nya yang lain sikit dari reality show yang lain dan juga kerana ini show Malaysian, dan juga kerana keletah Aznil, kami tengok show tu. Yang aku ingat aku tak AFUNDI sapa2 pun. Tapi aku suka suara Sahri. Sya suka Sahri jugak, so bila Sahri terkeluar sedih jugak rasanya. AF1 lebih banyak "pakai tisu" dari AF2 tu. Yang lain ada lah fevret masing-masing. Kadang2 kami saja2 gurau2 downplay kan each other's fevret. Terutama hubby tu dia saja nak usik anak2 dengan perlecehkan diorang punya choice of candidates.
Masa AF2, macam aku kata aku tersangat bosan kat office. Ramai yang tak akan faham kenyataan ni tapi itu adalah hakikat nya. Jadi bila AF2 start, demamnya lebih sikit dari AF1 tu. Kak Long dengan angah selalu ada tuition pada malam konsert jadi baba selalu tape bagi diorang tengok.Kami tengok sama2 lepas tu. Penuh bilik tidur kami dengan semua anak2 semasa kami tengok AF2 tu. Hubby suka Zahid, anak2 tak suka Zahid, diorang suka Adam (budak pompuan lah kata kan) Aku suka Kaer, hubby kata jangan AFUNDI Kaer sebab dia anak orang kaya. Mas punya suara very unique tapi susah nak terima ajaran. Camtu lah kami setiap minggu, semua sekali masuk bilik tidur kami tengok AF2. Sambil tengok sambil gurau2, kritik sana sini.
Bila AF3 dah mula ni rasa lain sikit. Sebabnya Kak Long tak ada di rumah. Bila kami tengok pun rasa sayu jugak. Macam tak cukup syarat. Masa diari pun aku tengah dok hidang lauk pauk untuk makan malam, jadi memang aku tak tengok pun. Cuma tengok konsert mingguan saja, yang lain tu kalau nak tau baca blog Javard. Konsert baru lepas ni pun aku tak berapa bagi perhatian sebab rumah aku penuh dengan adik beradik aku. Abang Lang dari Shah Alam balik, Kak M dengan anak2 datang lawat mak sebelum balik ke KL tu. Asyik dok layan diorang makan dan sebagainya hari tu. Minggu akan datang mungkin kami tengok bersama2, hubby, aku, angah, Ayin dan Sya saja. Kak Long kalau my sis-in-law datang ambik dia bawak balik ke rumah diorang baru dia boleh tengok. Sya dan Ayin aku rasa teramat rindu dengan Kak Long ni, tiap-tiap malam diorang datang jenguk kat bilik kami, sebelum tidur tu. Sebabnya, sebelum Kak Long masuk MMU dulu dia akan spend banyak time dia kat bilik tidur aku, kadang2 sampai tertidur kat atas katil tu. Sampai aku kena kejutkan dia sebelum aku tidur tu. Kadang2 dia kata boleh tak dia tidur situ. Bila dia tak ada rasa sunyi semacam pulak tu. Kalau dia masuk bilik adik2 ni ikut sekali tu yang buat riuh rendah tu. Bila adik2 dah tidur dia stay lagi sampai tertidur kat katil Jadi anak manja dia tu.
Walaupun hanya hiburan, kerana kami tonton bersama2, dah jadi macam family event tu, yang buat kan kami suka program tu. Nak kata kami demam AF tu rasanya tak lah jugak sebab kami tak fanatik pun pada "bintang2" tu pun. Dulu pun aku tak tahu menahu pasal blogging ni. Rasanya tahun ini aku tak demam AF3 tapi aku demam Blogging. Mana dak, pagi2 sebelum datang kerja dah ON PC baca blog2 orang, komen2 orang, Kadang2 kalau ada yang tegur YM tu teralit pulak layan orang chat dengan aku, sampai kena halau suruh pergi kerja, hehehe
You all macam mana? Demam ke?
June 13, 2005
Merisik Khabar
Ni hal adik lelaki aku yang nombor 7 dalam keluarga kami. Beberapa bulan lalu dia bercerai dengan isteri dia. hari tu aku ada cerita sikit pasal dia tu. Ex-wife dia lawa orang nya, kalau ikut salsilah keturunan, memang nampak baik lah. Datuk dia selalu bawak orang ke Mekah buat Umrah dan haji, mak dia pun qariah jugak. Tapi, perangai dia yang tak elok tu. She is so very materialistic. Siap cabar my brother lagi, that no other lady wants to marry my brother except her. Dah undang-undang negeri ni anak-anak di beri bawah penjagaan ibu, jadi sekarang anak-anak buah aku ada dengan dia lah. Aku teramat kesian dengan anak-anak yang agak terbiar tu.
Adik aku seorang bapa yang penyayang. Dia memang suka kanak-kanak. Binatang pun dia suka, kalau dulu tengok dia main dengan kucing, kami pun nak gelak. Pernah dia bela ayam, dalam 10 ekor camtu, masa ayam tu tengah membesar, dia sanggup duduk tepi pintu reban ayam tu main dengan anak-anak ayam tu. Bila dah besar kami nak sembelih buat lauk, dia dah sayang tak sampai hati nak makan. Langsung kena jual saja ayam-ayam tu. Lepas tu agaknya dia sendiri tahu dia akan attached dengan binatang-binatang tu tak sanggup dah nak bela agaknya.
Oleh kerana dia nak cuba ambik anak-anak dia duduk dengan dia, supaya dapat bagi pendidikan dan jagaan sempurna tu dia kenalah cari isteri baru. Kakak aku ada lah rekomen sorang janda beranak satu kat dia ni. The lady's parents took care of my older's sis youngest son , when they were staying here. Memang nampak baik lah dia ni pun. Mak aku pun ada lah suruh kakak risek, tanya-tanya kat dia boleh ke nak pinang untuk adik kami. She said OK, so last Friday, kami adik beradik, Abang Long, Kak Long, Kak M ( my older sis), Adik S (Adik perempuan aku), Aku & hubby, serta Shah (bakal pengantin ni) pergi lah ke rumah L. Kami ajak Shah sebab nak bagi L tengok dia jugak takut nanti dia reject ke tukar fikiran ke atau apa kan. Biarlah dia buat keputusan berdasarkan apa yang dia lihat. Adik aku Shah ada anak 2 (seroang perempuan 9 tahun, sorang lelaki 7 tahun). L ada anak perempuan 4 tahun. L bercerai dengan suami dia, suami dia kawin 3 dah. Tapi masih dok datang jenguk anak dia jugak.
Di pendekkan cerita, bapak L tanya dia secara jujur terima kah pinangan tu, Pak Cik ni siap panggil Kak M dan aku untuk jadi saksi jawapan L tu. Dia dah kata OK tu, Kak M sarungkan cincin tanda ke jari L. Ketat sikit nampaknya tapi dia kata Ok tak payah tukar dah. Aku suka dengan cara L ni. Nampak dia baik, humble orangnya. Lepas tu kami pun bincanglah hal-hal lain, pasal kenduri, pasal hantaran dengan mak bapak L ni. Reasonable je lah hantaran tu, kata pakcik tu nak buat kenduri doa selamat saja, yang wajib saja kata dia. Kami pun cadang buat macam tu jugaklah. Sekarang ni terpulang kat Shah, bila dia boleh sediakan duit nak buat hantaran dan kenduri tu. Baru terbeliak biji mata ex-wife dia kut, sebab ada yang sudi dengan adik aku ni.
Kami apa lagi lepas tu tak habis lah dok mengusik si Shah. Mula dia kata 2 bulan, lepas tu kata bulan depan pulak. Dah tak sabar nampak nya tu, hehehe. Apa-apa pun, dia kena pergi ke pejabat kadhi untuk urusan borang-borang, apa entah, aku pun tak tau. Tak de experience bab ni hah, hehehe. Dengar kata adik aku ni, dah dua tiga kali telefon L sembang dengan dia. Nak confirm betul-betul, yang L ni sudi kat dia. Kata dia sembang macam dah kenal 5, 6 tahun dah. Kami yang dok usik jangan dok bawak pegi dating pulak lepas ni. Dia gelak sajalah tu. Angau jugak adik aku ni hah....
Kami pun suka kalau dia dapat isteri yang boleh membahagiakan dia, kami cuma doakan yang perkahwinan ini akan menjadi kali ini dan dia akan dapat ambik anak-anak dia untuk dia bela dengan sempurna. Masa depan anak-anak tu masih panjang dan pelajaran tu penting bagi diorang tu. Lagipun, kesian anak-anak yang tension dengan kehidupan dengan mak diorang tu.
Insyaallah, di panjangkan jodoh adik kali ni, dan berbahagia ke anak cucu.
June 11, 2005
Something For All
I am going to be busy for the week-end. I have to finish the other 12.5 hours of my lecture at the college. I know, some of you will come to read this blog. Thank you for coming , I do appreciate your coming by. I will leave you with something to ponder upon for the week-end.
In a world of comparisons
and conformity,
make your own statement.
Honour your own truth.
Have the courage to be yourself;
risk speaking your own thoughts
and claiming your emotions
Share your vulnerabilities
fears, doubts and insecurities;
let others experience the real you.
Have the courage to be yourself,
and realise that you are
a wonderful person
- Diane Holcomb-
This is a word that lightens the heart and gives courage today to help face tomorrow.
Have a nice week-end everyone, be positive and do something productive, like me of course, hahaha....
June 10, 2005
Blogging and Respect For Others
About the last quarter of last year 2004, I was getting bored at work. AF2 was just over. My daughters, like other teenagers were into the Yahoo Group. Me being the mother, has got some "tentacles" out of my senses, worried that they might get into the wrong channels, but at the same time trying to understand their needs as teenagers. When the home PC was down, they gave me their password to check their e-mails. Because of that I discovered the blogs written for the AF students. Amongst the earliest that I went into was Javard (not knowing at that time he was my hubby's nephew). I like his writing, he supports someone I like in the AF2, I so keep on reading, and one day he posted about his aunty. It was too much a coincidence and I had to get a confirmation that he is my nephew. At that point I had not met him for 18 years. We met when I stopped by his mom's house during my honeymoon!!!. He had never met any of my daughters. So when we know for sure that Javard is my nephew, I have been going to his blog as frequent as I could, Because it means that I have a relation in the blogging world. Our communication has become very personal. Long before that I had been asking my hubby to pay a visit to Javard's home to meet his grandma, it was only last week that wish came true. I could not explain why I missed her so much, maybe I was thinking of arwah MIL.
At first I thought that blogging is just for the entertainment world (maklumlah makcik kampung kan, sempit sikit fikiran ni), because the same kind of bloggers seems to flock within the same community (Am I making sense here?). Then a colleague sent me via e-mail Pokku's Mujo entry. It was lawak sakan, so I asked where did he got it from and he gave me the url. At the same time, I also checked-out Badrul's blog and got to know him and his readers. One day, Joe posted a comment there and Badrul's reply had kind of sparked off my curiosity. People say curiosity kills the cat right? Perhaps that what happened, I got hooked. From Joe's blog I got to know many friends. When at first I thought only the young people blog, ( I consider myself old, so anyone younger than me is young), I began to know there are MakAndeh, Auntie Yan and Wynn who are within my age range. Still I could not bring myself to start a blog. Still procastinating because, although I know I can write, but can I handle the pressure? I could see how the readers usually pressure the writer for updates. Could I handle comments which may not be to my liking? Would it be just for me to retaliate to rude comments? I ni jenis yang straight to the point, tak suka beat around the bush so kalau aku cakap tu takut jugaklah pedas kat telinga orang tu. Nak kena berlapik sangat bercakap ni. Oleh kerana aku ni dah mature (veteran lah ni, tak nak mengaku tua dah) aku lebih banyak diam bila baca sesuatu yang aku tak suka.
Atenah said I was like the phantom, my nick was here and there but could not find my blog. Atenah actually said like she always do to others, AuntyN start a blog lah!! Redah saja lah kata dia tu, when I told her I hadn't got the courage to start a blog. Yes, I was kind off scared at first for those reasons above. I have been reading her blog but could not comment at that point since she did not allow anoynamous comment. Kakak tu (nak panggei makcik takut kena marah ni!!!)kata dia buta IT. I sort of promised her that when I start a blog I would let her be the one to "cut the ribbon" which I did. The rest is history, I get to know so many others, people like Kak Teh, Mutiara, Omar and the others (sorry there are too many of you to mention one by one).
I enjoy reading blogs and I enjoy writing one. I find connection with the other bloggers. Happy when they write about happy things, shed tears when the entry touched my heart. Feel the emotion that the blogger is trying to potray in his/her way through their writings. Each blogger has his/her own reason for blogging, many are their life experiences, it is difficult (at least for me) not to put something personal in the entry. How much we try to generalise, there is something of yourself there in the entry, in the blog. There are lots of things one can learn from these entries. Of course there are some craps too, but at least we learn not to be a crap right?
I feel sad and angry when some people post viscious or rude comment to an entry. Worse still if by that action had cause the demise of the blog or an unwarranted ill feelings between bloggers. Someone said to me that a blog is like our garden, what we plant in there is what we like to have in that garden, so how do we react when someone trample all over your garden? And since the garden is in the open space, can't we just try to enjoy the beautiful scenery without being critical on how the owner organise his/her garden? Or if we don't like the garden, just leave it. Who knows that blogger may be someone close to you, how would you react in that situation?
There is no guidelines for blogging but as a human being a little respect for an individual goes a long way. Whether we have met that person or not, I believe that there is always a reaction to every action. Nazrah has written a lot on this, I don't want to say more, her pot-pet is enough to send the message across. Please read her entry titled "Does Not Hurt To Be Nice"
June 08, 2005
Aku Rindu....
Aku bukan pergi mana pun. Cuma ke KL saja. Tapi oleh kerana bukan pergi pasal kerja tu yang kata cuti tu. Kak Long my eldest daughter was to register into MMU on Sunday 5 June. Jadi aku, hubby, Kak Long, Ayin, Sya took the trip down to KL. Angah tak ikut dengan kami, kerana dia, angah pergi ke KL jugak mewakili Penang state in under 18 MSSM hockey tournament. Jadi kami berlima beranak sajalah yang turun KL hari tu. Bila balik dah tinggal empat beranak.
Hari sabtu tu kami plan nak keluar awal dari rumah, tapi end up kami bertolak ke KL pukul 1 lebih. Sebabnya, kami lawat angah dulu yang tinggal di hostel kat Bertam dengan pemain hoki yang lain tu. Angah akan bertolak ke KL pada hari Ahad pagi. Kami kemudian pergi mencari sedikit durian untuk kakak2 hubby di KL tu. Jadi berkuap kereta dengan bau durian dalam perjalanan ke KL tu. Lepas kami lunch baru kami betul-betul keluar dari town ke KL.
Sepanjang jalan, hujan lebat jugaklah, dan kerana cuti sekolah di perhentian R&R tu ramai sangat orang, kami berhenti untuk nature's call aje lah jadinya, langsung tak beli buah-buah seperti jambu, mangga ke apa masa perjalanan tu. Sampai kat rumah sis-in-law pun dah maghrib dah tu. Kami decide tak nak tinggal kat hotel this trip sebab dah lama tak ke rumah sis-in-law yang sulung tu. Dia dah bersungut kami tak pergi rumah dia setiap kali ke KL. Bukan apa, aku kalau business trip memang tak ke rumah sedara pun, sebab I will stay in the center of KL near the office. Selalunya aku tak de masa nak lawat sedara masa kerja tu (aku cari kawan-kawan), so kalau pergi dengan family I will try to lawat sedara.
On Sunday, dari pagi, kami pergi ke MMU untuk register Kak Long. Lepas register the course, register masuk ke hostel pulak. She has a room-mate with a girl who also has 4 girls in the family. She is the second while Kak Long anak sulung. Panik jugaklah kak long sebab this is her first time duduk jauh dari keluarga ni, tapi control ayu (kata orang sekarang ni), tak lah merungut ke apa ke. She will be fine I know. Baba missed her a lot I guessed, dia asyik call kak long dari semalam, bila dia ingat kak long is free. On they way balik semalam dia call, tadi dia call, esok mungkin dia tak call kut sebab dia kerja tu, tapi entah lah. Kesian pulak tengok baba yang rindu anak sulung dia tu. Kat angah pun dia rindu jugak, memanglah sebab selama ni anak-anak tak pernah berenggang dengan kami, tiba2 dua sekali dalam minggu ni yang tak ada bersama kami. Aku ingat aku saja yang terasa rindu tu, rupanya baba lagi teruk. Aku boleh imagine ibu-bapa yang berjauhan dengan anak2 diorang yang kat rantauan tu. Ini aku yang dekat, 5 hours drive saja ni pun dah rasa semacam. Lagipun kak long tu nak lanjutkan pelajaran dia. Esok-esok nanti bila dia nak kawin, entah apa perasaan kami ni.
Petang kami melawat lawat sorang aunty yang aku dah lama rindu nak jumpa. She is my MIL's cousin, she is 86 years old, still going strong except for some hearing problem. She is still very beautiful for her age. She is staying with her daughter and grandsons. One of the grandsons is a blogger, Javard. Eversince I discovered Javard is related to me I have been keeping in contact with him at his blog. We read each other's blog and support each other. He is still available too. J, jangan marah no.. memang lah mak menakan kan macam tu selalu, hahaha.
Monday, kami dok plan nak balik Penang lah. Biasalah sis-in-law and family dok rasa tak puas, jadi dok pujuk jangan balik lagi. Since Angah ada hoki game kat Stadium Bukit Jalil, kami pun drop by to see her play. Dia main for under 18 for Penang vs Selangor. Penang kalahkan Selangor 3:1, so diorang seronok jugak lah. Sempat jumpa angah sekejap lepas games tu. Hari ni Tuesday, angah SMS kata diorang kalah dengan Trengganu 4:2. Kata dia team Trengganu memang kuat. Esok Rabu, Penang lawan Perak pulak. She will be there until 12 June tu nanti.
Pukul 9.00 malam baru kami bertolak balik dari KL, I drive a bit bila hubby mengantuk, then he will drive the rest of the way. Kami memang macam tu lah selalu tukar driver kalau travel sama2 tu. Masa aku kuat ni boleh lah tolong drive, nanti 2, 3 tahun tu entah lah, boleh ke lagi tu. Maybe masa tu anak2 dah boleh drive kami yang dah tua ni. Itu pun kalau tak duduk berjauhan dari kami tu kan. Kami sampai rumah pukul 2.00 pagi.
Nampak gayanya kami akan selalu jugak lah turun KL lepas ni bila rasa rindu dengan kak long tu. Seronok lah adik2 nanti boleh jalan selalu. Rasanya cepat sangat masa berjalan, anak2 dah besar dan nak mula keluar rumah. Makin sunyi lah rumah kami pada tahun2 yang mendatang. Aku dah boleh imagine kami akan tinggal berdua, aku dan hubby, 4, 5 tahun akan datang. Ni kena plan nak pergi honeymoon mana-mana ni agaknya kan, hehehe. Any suggestion where would be a good place?
It's good to be back blogging again, but it was not really that bad, not having been able to have excess to internet, like I thought it would be.
June 04, 2005
A Birthday Like No Other
Since this is my first birthday as a blogger, I wanted to really put up something that reflects who I am. I have always been very critical of myself, I would like to know what people think of me and things that I do. Again, it is difficlut to write it here because I am scared that I might be misunderstood. I will write more when I write about how I "terjebak dengan blogging ni". Maybe as the next entry.
I can't thank you enough, for all the wishes coming from all over the world. They are encouragement for me to continue to write my blog and try to provide the emotional support and extend a hand in friendship to those who need/want it. If love can be transmitted through the keyboard and the cables, I hope that I have been able to reach you with love. I am sure you all know that what I mean by love is not the love between a couple, between man and women. That love is reserved for my one and only man in my live. The one who suka merajuk tu!!!!
I do not know, most of you personally, only just a few I have met, and those who I have met I found that I do get along well. I do know there are unscruplous people with hasad and dengki in their hearts out there, but I DO want to think that those who have come to blog are sincerely coming to read and to get something from me as a mature person. If there is a lesson to be learnt from the blog, I must say Alhamdulillah. Insyaallah, I will be further blessed.
So for this birthday, from the bottom of my heart, I say thank you to ALL of you. You are very special to me. Without you there will be no AuntyN. Because, I can write but I would not get enough motivation to continue without your encouragement.
Special thanks to Omar, the anakdagang in Nashville, who had make the trouble to send me a bouquet of beautiful red roses. I know I hinted a month ago, but it was all in jest. Not to be taken seriously. I am so touched, truly touched. Anyway Om, terimakasih daun keladi Om, tahun depan hantar lagi OK, hahaha. (Ni dah melampau ni dah kan?)... The photo of the roses is as posted above. I tried to put it here but it does not come out.
[To Joe , for the dedication at your blog, yang dok teringat masa keja, then tumpangkan tag board pulak bagi orang dok wish aunty pun I appreciate jugak.
To all the others, you know who you are, I thank you again from the bottom of my heart and May God Bless you all too.
I wil not be able to blog for the next few days, I am going for a short holidays, will not have excess tu the internet. So sorry to those who will be coming to see an update here. Will be back soon.
June 02, 2005
Who Am I at 47 Years of Age?
I have written about my child hood and schooling time, my married life, whine about my hubby, my children, so what else is there for me to tell you all about me. What I can say is that I am truly a Makcik from a kampung like what my profile say. But, so far in my 47 years I think I have some accomplishments that I can truly say I am proud of. The very recent accomplishment is of course me being a blogger. This week will be my 3rd month as a blogger. I started my blog on 5th March, after some encouragement from some friends who I have met in the cyber world. Each day I am a little suprised at what I can do or write in my blog. Each blogger has got his/her up and down, sometimes we have absolutely no idea what to write and sometimes we have so much thing to write. Maybe I will create an entry on how I started blogging in the first place.
In life, I think I have accomplished a good a career. Eventhough I may be just a Makcik from a kampung, but I have done quite well in the corporate world. Again, no I am NOT a Datin who owns this company (though I wish I would be that, really!!!!), and of course I am not at par with Datuk Maznah Hamid or Datuk Zetty Akhtar etc, etc. Just someone who is a little bit successful in the what lots of people term as "the rat race"
Please don't ask me to reveal the company name, it is enough for you to know that I work in a factory. Aku ni Minah Kilang tau. Jadi jangan dok perlekeh minah-minah kilang ni tau. Kami duduk kampung, jadi minah kilang pun tapi boleh tahan jugaklah kan lifestyle tu. Anyway, it's HALAL what? Of course, I am not an operator, but still kalau dah kerja kilang, minah kilang lah namanya kan?.........
I did not come up to my current position, without hard work or struggle. Being a lady, married and also Melayu (I am NOT a racist when I use this term, my closest friend is an Indian, I have lots of Chinese friends and other races), but sometimes we have to come to term with the competition we have to endure in the job market. So being able to sit in my current office surrounded by male colleagues, and in the position which is usually male orientated is to me an accomplishment. Mungkin ada yang nak fikir ni, vah, vah this makcik very vain, suka puji diri ni, kalau ampu sikit mesti boleh jalan ni..., Please think again, really hard. I am just trying to say that, whatever we decide to do in life, do it in a proper way to receive the best possible result.
I have been told by a few new people whom I have met that I look like a teacher. Remember the pregnant sales lady whose stool I borrowed to sit on when I went shopping the other day? She asked me first whether I work and I said I do, next she was asking where and I said in a factory. She said, "You look like a teacher". The Chinese couple who hit my car that day thought I was not working, the wife was supprised when I told her I was calling from work. So how do I look, a house-wife or a teacher? But many so far said that I look like a teacher. How does a teacher look like?? Tenah, maybe you can tell me that, lembut ke, garang ke? Macam mana tu? Teaching is not something that I would like to do full time although I must say I don't mind doing it, part time, which is what I am doing now.
I am a very people person. If you have ever chatted with me anywhere, the way I potray myself in the chat room is very much the way I am outside. If you have met me you should know that I am the over ramah makcik from the blog. I have never pretended to be what I am not, and perhaps because of that I may be a little naive at times. I do tend to believe in people too much, too vulnerable and therefore too open to people's dishonesty. As much as I can, I will try NOT to pre-judge people especially those who I have not met. So do not pre-judge me as well. But then again if you think you would like to get to know me, don't be shy if you see me and you think you know me please say hello and introduce yourself.
In private life of course you all know already, how blessed my life is. A loving yet suka merajuk hubby, 4 lovely daughters, and a house full of cats for Sya. My mak is living with me and I live in almost a small scale orchard. I have rambutans, durians and dokong trees within my compound. In my backyard we have bendi, limau kasturi, serai, lengkuas, putat, pandan, kari (karapole) leaves, kunyit. We are almost self sufficient and we utilise the land to the max.
So, can you imagine, with such a life why should I be whining. I should be counting my blessing. I do, I do. I am so THANKFUL to ALLAH for what HE has bestowed upon me. My 47 years have been quite good with trials and tribulations which I learnt from and mature from. The only thing perhaps, I MUST do is to improve myself in all my ibadah to HIM. I am still learning a lot of things (one should never stop learning even till the end of your life, that's my philosophy), on how to improve myself be it for dunia or akhirah. I hope that I could accomplish much more in a few years going forward.
So in a little restrospect that is who I am. I don't know whether I am likeable or not. I do like to get to know you all better, so drop me a comment while wishing me happiness for the next year at least and tell me who you are and what have you accomplished so far (if you like).
I would also like to wish CK of Singapore and KakTeh's eldest son, Hafiz, Many Happy Returns of The day, they share the same birthday with me, although I am the elder of the 3.
What Does My Birthdate Mean?
Your Birthdate: June 2 |
Your birth on the 2nd day of the month adds a degree of emotion, sensitivity, and intuition to your life. The 2 is a very social number allowing you to make friends easily and quickly. Yet you are apt to have a rather nervous air in the company of a large group. You have a warmhearted nature and emotional understanding that constantly seeks affection. You are more prone than most to become depressed and moody, as emotions can turn inward and cause anxiety and mental turmoil. It can be hard for you to bounce back to reality when depression sets in. |
June 01, 2005
So, yesterday, I took my mom to the clinic, since her madicine is finished. I heard her calling my niece early in the morning, but she was on leave too, she was in her parents' home. I decided to take my mom before I took Kak Long to open her bank account. My mom ni sakit urat, doktor bagi list, sayur-sayur yang tak boleh makan tu, kata doktor tu, kuah atau rampai yang ada bahan-bahan tu pun tak boleh makan. Banyak sungguh pantang nya. Jadi apa yang dia nak makan pun aku tak tau. Yang aku ingat adalah:-
Tembikai, nenas, terung, kacang panjang, remunggai, kobis, asin-asin, bayam, lobak. Ada lagi, tapi aku tinggal kat rumah, nanti aku update kalau ada lagi. Katanya kalau makan sikit pun, ubat yang kuat pun tak akan mujarab. Sebab tu agaknya mak masih terasa sakit walau makan ubat banyak pun. Mak suka makan pajeri selalunya kita masak pajeri nenas atau terung lah, habis nak masak pajeri apa pulak ni, mungkin kena cari buah kedondong lah kut ni, buat pajeri untuk mak. Dia pun suka makan sayur bayam, keluarga aku suka makan sayur bayam, nak kena cari kangkung lah untuk mak ni. Kangkung pun kami suka especially Kak Long, kangkung macam sayur asasi dia tu. Senang bela anak aku ni, kangkung memanjang no.....
Masa bawak Kak Long pegi buka bank account tu, aku kena lah cari bank yang ada di U tu. Aku pergi branch kat Seberang Jaya sebab senang nak parking kereta kat sana tu. Bila tanya nak bukak account baru, officer tu kata, alamat kat mana, aku cakap lah, dia kata kena pi bukak kat BM. Tak boleh buat kat situ. Awat macam tu tak kan mana-mana branch pun tak tak boleh. Kata dia bank polisi, ye ke? Aku tak pernah dengar lagi lah, sebab aku selalu buaka account pasal nak masuk duit gaji aje, ikut branch mana yang company suruh buka. Tak pernah ada problem pun. Pi lah pulak branch BM, dah dia tanya bawak birth cert tak? Aku cakap nak buat apa, IC tak cukup ke? Kata dia sebab bawah 18 tahun. Kak Long aku ni bulan Sept, baru masuk 18, tapi pada aku technically she is 18 lah. Rupa nya tak boleh gitu. Dah kena balik rumah ambik birth cert pulak. Nasib rumah tak berapa jauh dari town, tapi menyirap jugaklah darah ni. Pergi balik, masa kat counter, penjaga counter tu kata, tak payah ramai-ramai, makcik duduk dulu. Macam dia tu muda sangat panggil kat aku makcik no......huhuhu. Aku duduk kat bangku, Kak Long asyik dok signal saja, dok tanya pasal ATM kad. Officer kat luar kata tak boleh buat ATM card sebelum mencapai 18 tahun, yang kat counter kata, I can do on behalf, pi tanya balik yang kat luar tu kata tak boleh jugak tu. Lepas tu, nanti nak buat kena lah mai balik branch sini bila nak buat tu. Banyak nya red tape tu. Sambil duduk tunggu nampaklah poster tergantung Western Union, teringat pulak kat sorang perantau yang ada account Western Union tu. Setakat ingat je lah kan, tak kan nak transfer apa2 pun.
Aku nak buka bank account untuk Kak Long pun bukan buat apa nanti senang lah nak transfer duit kalau dia perlu dan untuk belanja dia hari-hari tu. Tak payah nak buat duit pos macam dulu2 lagi masa ayah aku nak hantar duit kat aku di asrama tu. Dulu lain sekarang lain. Sekarang dah boleh transfer thru internet dah ni. Kira ada duit atau tidak je lah.
Lepas tu kami pegi shopping lagi, beli barang-barang dapur dan lain-lain keperluan Kak Long. Yang ikut cuma Kak Long dengan Sya saja tu sebab Ayin kata boring tunggu kakak dia try itu ini lama2 sangat tu. Masa nak balik, aku dah siap masukkan barangan kat dalam but kereta, dah pulak sorang mamat ni reverse kereta dia dan langgar kereta aku. Kemek lah kat panel depan, dekat dengan tayar depan sebelah passenger tu. Aku tak terfikir nak telefon hubby pun, sebab takut kena marah ni. So aku cuma ambik particular orang yang langgar aku tu aje lah.
Apalagi bila dah cakap dengan hubby, marah lah yang teramat dia dengan aku. Jadinya, aku ni kena buat sendirilah apa-apa pun pasal kereta tu. Aku tak lah kira sangat pasal kereta yang kemek tu, tapi terasa hati jugaklah sebab hubby marah tu. Kadang-kadang aku ni ingat suami-suami ni lebih sayangkan kereta dari isteri sendiri. Ye lah dia tengok aku OK, tapi kut ye pun tanya lah kan aku dengan anak2 tak apa-apa ka? Kalau yang terlanggar tu Kak Long ke, macam mana aku jugak ke yang kena marah? ....
So hari ni aku pening lah sikit dok fikir macam-macam. Tak apa lah dah takdir nak jadi macam ni, aku sabar dan redha ajelah. Pastinya ada iktibar di sebalik semua yang telah terjadi ni..