August 15, 2005

Morning Sickness

When I was studying in ITM, the boys were usually late for the morning classes, especially if the class started at 8.00 am. The girls were always punctual. The chemistry lecturer Mr Lee, usually asked what happened to the boys, were they sick or something. My answer to him was, they had "morning sickness", much to his ammusement. I explained that since they were sick in the morning then it was morning sickness.

Today, I got my own morning sickness. It could be due to the haze or maybe the trip to see Pak Ya again last Sunday. Let me digress a bit on my week-end last week. My brothers and sisters came back for a wedding. My 3rd brother and family stayed at my home. And on Saturday evening they went to have their feet massaged by Pak Ya. My SIL Kak Lang (Abang Lang's wife) went again on sunday, which I also followed along. The normal practice is to have the urut for 3 times within a short span of time. Mine had been delayed for 3 weeks already.

The last time I had my feet massage, my body was aching and I had similar reaction this morning. Together with that aching body, I felt like vormitting and my stomach full of gas. Meloya and angin merosoh (kata orang utara lah no) dalam perut ni. I had my breakfast with hubby and Abang Long this morning so I could not understand the nauseas feeling.

I decided that I had to come home and rest, so I did. I have been sleeping almost the whole day today and not sure whether I am going to work tomorrow. Feel slightly better, but maybe a visit to the doctor would be a good idea. Oh no!! The morning sickness is only because I was feeling sick in the morning, I don't think that I am carrying anything in my tummy except for some anak cacing.

Take care of yourselves wherever you are especially in Malaysia with the haze and all.


Anonymous said...

get well soon, auntyn :)


shidah said...

get well soon auntyN. have a good rest!

Kak Teh said...

get well N - i think even after the haze it can be quite hazardous to yr health. my husband sampai kl saja dah dapat chest infection.

Elf said...

Aunty N, morning sickness ni ada banyak maknaa..;-) Manalah tau mimpi Aunty N (baby baby) tu menjadi kenyataan..hehehe..

AuntyN said...

princess & shidah : thank you.

Kak Teh : Kesian Abang AG, balik je Msia dah sakit. I hope that won't make him NOT wanting to come back again.

Elf : Hahahaha, tak nampak jalan lah nak berbaby lagi dah. Unless I adopt one.

ailin : kayu arang? petua dari mana ni? Takut nanti bukan lagi baik lain pulak jadinya, esp. kalau arang tu dari kayu yg dah disembur racun anai2 tu.